- 告知後同意與醫病關係的提升--視病「猶親」?醫生真是病人「親密」的朋友嗎?
- 「告知」並非萬能--醫療行為有關「告知後同意」法則之再定位
- 醫病關係有感
- 醫療、法律、消費者--重建醫病關係
- Investigation of the Emergency Physician and Patient's Family Relationships in the Workplace
- 儘速建立完善制度徹底改善醫病關係--專訪陳榮基教授
- 溫暖的父權vs.空虛的自主--到底法律要建立什麼樣的醫病關係?
- 從全民健保觀察醫病關係之變遷
- 醫療人權無國界--歐洲健康論壇(European Health Forum)對推展我國醫療人權改革工作的啟示
- 創造醫病雙贏的關係--醫界應全力推動醫療糾紛處理法
題 名 | 告知後同意與醫病關係的提升--視病「猶親」?醫生真是病人「親密」的朋友嗎?=Informed Consent and the Improvement of the Doctor--Patient Relationship |
作 者 | 王成志; 楊沛青; 李勝揚; | 書刊名 | 中華民國家庭牙醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 3:2 2008.09[民97.09] |
頁 次 | 頁52-56 |
分類號 | 419.47 |
關鍵詞 | 醫病關係; 醫療糾紛; 告知後同意; 病患自主權; Doctor-patient relationship; Medical malpractice; Informed-consent; Patient-right; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 醫療行為的機械化、醫病關係的去人性化,病患權益意識的提高,醫師與病人社會地位的改變,以及民眾對醫療服務的失望,均為醫療糾紛增加的原因。近十年來,根據衛生署的統計,國內醫療糾紛案例遽增。醫病關係日漸低落,國內國外的醫界學界均十分重視這問題的嚴重,因此如何改善醫病關係實為醫界當務之急。本文針對醫病關係的特質,醫病關係所遭遇到的問題以及目前的醫療環境引起的醫病之間的緊張關係作一探討,期望達到改善醫病關係的目的。 |
英文摘要 | Medical malpractice cases arise due to machinization of medical behavior, dehumanization of the doctor-patient relationship, improvement of patients' rights, changes in doctor-patient social status, and disappointment of medical services by patients. In the recent ten years, the incidence of medical malpractice has dramatically increased in Taiwan according to the statistical reports from the Department of Health, Taiwan, ROC. The improvement of the doctor-patient relationship is a critical and urgent issue for the academic and medical professionals due to a lack of a satisfactory doctor-patient relationship. In order to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship, this article discussed the problems and tensioned doctor-patient relationship caused by the current medical environment regarding the characteristics of the doctor-patient relationship. |