題 名 | 朱子理趣詩蘊含的天理思想=The Inner Meaning of Zhu-Xi's Philosopfical Poetry |
作 者 | 康雲山; | 書刊名 | 南臺學報 |
卷 期 | 34:2 2009.09[民98.09] |
頁 次 | 頁125-137 |
分類號 | 851.452 |
關鍵詞 | 朱子; 理趣詩; 太極; 天理流行; 陰陽氣化流行; 理一分殊; 天理現象體用一源; Zhu-Xi; Philosophical poetry; Tai Chi; The practice of logos; The application of "yin and yang" system to microcosm; The universal logos and different kinds of human nature; Logos and it's reification are united as one; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 朱子有四十六首理趣詩,除了少數幾首,其餘詩篇所蘊含的哲理,約可分為天理思想與心性思想兩 類。本文勾抉出蘊含天理思想的十四首詩加以論析。在論析詩作之前,先就理趣詩的意涵予以論述。 理趣詩的特徵是物象與哲理融合為一體,既能引起讀者審美感受,又能讓人領悟到多樣的哲理。朱 子十四首具有天理思想的理趣詩,分別蘊含太極之義、天理流行、陰陽氣化流行、理一分殊、天理現象 體用一源等思想,本文一一徵引朱子有關的言論予以論證賞析。 |
英文摘要 | Zhu−Xi wrote forty−six philosophical poetries. Except for a small portion of these poetries,most of them can be divided in two main subjects that evidence the philosophical thinking of Zhu−Xi:the moral and rational logos,which is the source of the universe and maintains the power that master the world;the theory about human´s mind and human nature ㅡ in moralistic meaning. There are forteen portries written by Zhu−Xi are on the subject of Logos,which are selected to be analysed in this dissertation. Before the main body of this article,the inner meaning of “philosopfical poetry” is interpreted as a prolegomenon. “philosophical poetry”,whose key feature is the fusion of natural phenomenon and philosophical thinking,not only occurs to readers the inner poetry,but also teach them various kinds of philosophical theories. These thinking are contained in Zhu−Xi´s forteen poetries that are on the subject of Logos:the idea of tai chi;the practice of Logos;the operation of “yin and yang” system ㅡ yin and yang are contraries and form the universe ㅡ and it´s application to microcosm. Readers can also find these theories:First,Logos is universal and unchangeable,but everyman,created by it,is individual and has his own personality and different kind of human nature. Second,all kinds of phenomenon are the reification of Logos. Both of Logos and it´s reification are united as one. In this dissertation,Zhu−Xi´s philosophical theories are cited to question these poetries. |