題 名 | 鍾惺、譚元春《唐詩歸》選評杜甫詩研究--以杜詩各體為觀察核心=Zhong Xing and Tan Yuan Chun's Discussion on Du-Fu's Poem in 《Tang Shi Gui》--According the Du-Fu's Literary Style |
作 者 | 吳翊良; | 書刊名 | 南臺學報 |
卷 期 | 34:2 2009.09[民98.09] |
頁 次 | 頁23-39 |
分類號 | 851.441 |
關鍵詞 | 鍾惺; 譚元春; 唐詩歸; 杜甫詩; 文體; Zhong Xing; Tan Yuanchun; ShiQuai; Du-Fu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | v明末竟陵派鍾惺(1574-1624)、譚元春(1586-1637?)編選《詩歸》(《古詩歸》與《唐詩歸》),此書一出, 海內風靡,盛行於世,論者稱之為與復古詩論相抗衡的選本,其選詩標準與論詩觀點較諸其他詩論家或 詩歌選本都有其特殊性。有鑑於此,本文嘗試釐清鍾、譚二人於選詩、評論的別出之處,故以《唐詩歸》 為分析場域,揀選其中選錄數量稱冠的杜甫詩為例,深入說明。文中發現,《唐詩歸》所選錄的杜詩與一 般熟知的杜詩名篇不但有一定落差,且鍾、譚在評點杜詩各體時(五古、七古、五律、七律、排律、七 絕)也充分展示了不與人同的鑑賞標準與詩學論點。準此,既能見出《唐詩歸》在相關唐詩選本中的特 殊意義,鍾、譚對杜詩的意見,也在文學史、詩學史與杜詩學上,有了不可忽視的重要地位。 |
英文摘要 | 《ShiQuai》, editing by Zhong Xing and Tan Yuan Chun, become extremely popular after its publication, moreover, since the way and standard they use in choosing poems has its particularity, critics claimed its status is equal to fugu shilun 復古詩論. Therefore, according to it, this essay would take Du-Fu’s poems for example and attempt to find out the specialty of《TangShiQuai》To be more exact, Du-Fu’s poems in 《TangShiQuai》are different from the normal and famous one, furthermore, Zhong and Tan’s view point and standards in Du-Fu’s other literary forms are very creative at that time. In conclusion, due to the reason stated above, Zhong and Tan’s criticism takes an important role in analyzing Du-Fu ’s poems, and besides, 《TangShiQuai》 has its importantance in the history of literature. |