題 名 | 淺析外國對臺灣入聯公投之反應=A Brief Analysis of Foreign Countries' Reactions to Taiwan's Referendum on U.N. Membership |
作 者 | 王思為; | 書刊名 | 臺灣國際法季刊 |
卷 期 | 4:3 2007.09[民96.09] |
頁 次 | 頁165-190 |
專 輯 | 臺灣申請入聯與國際法 |
分類號 | 572.63 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 公投; 聯合國; 一中政策; 維持現狀; 美國; Taiwan; Referendum; United Nations; One China policy; Status quo; U.S.A.; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 2007年,臺灣有史以來首度使用臺灣名義申請加入聯合國成爲會員,並正式向聯合國遞函;在二度遭聯合國拒絕之後,民進黨隨即發起以使用臺灣爲名稱申請加入聯合國的公投連署,此舉立即引起世界各國不斷地向臺灣政府施壓,認爲此公投有違陳總統於2000年就任時所宣佈的四不承諾,並且會造成區域穩定遭受破壞。其中,最值得觀察的部份是美國政府的反應:從總統大選前透過各種管道的持續施壓,到選後態度的快速轉變,我們認爲其中所呈現相當微妙的國際政治槓桿操作,目的是要維持美國眼中的區域平衡跟兩岸現狀,而其他國家的兩岸政策也將追隨著美國的腳步,將不至踰越美國對台海兩岸事務的主導權。在這種狀況之下,爲確保臺灣的國家地位與尊嚴,公投民主的持續深化是一條不可逆的道路,也是繼續維持現狀的最佳柔性武器。 |
英文摘要 | In 2007, Taiwan applied the U.N. membership under the name of Taiwan for the first time in its history, whereas the U.N. authority rejected twice consecutively the application letter signed by President Chen. This was followed by a campaign on many foreign countries considered the referendum was a violation of President Chen's "4 Nos" and will then disturb the regional order, so they all push the Taiwanese authority to end this campaign. Nevertheless, we can see the most important partner and stake holder-the U.S. has a radical change before and after the presidential election in March 2008. It seems that in the area the U.S. was manipulating with the political lever to reach a so-called regional balance and status quo defined by itself, and other countries will just be the U.S. policy followers. Under such kind of circumstances, there's only one way for Taiwan to go is to deepen it's democracy through further referenda to well maintain its statehood and national dignity, and it is also believed to be the best soft-power weapon to maintain the status quo. |