題 名 | 教育利益團體之意識型態及其在九年一貫課程政策制訂過程的權力運作=Ideology and Ways of Power Exercising of Educational Interest Groups in the Process of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Policy Decision |
作 者 | 游振鵬; 王逸慧; | 書刊名 | 教育理論與實踐學刊 |
卷 期 | 18 2008.12[民97.12] |
頁 次 | 頁123-143 |
分類號 | 520.6、520.6 |
關鍵詞 | 教育利益團體; 意識型態; 權力運作; 課程; 政策; Educational interest groups; Ideology; Power exercising; Curriculum; Policy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 教育是政治的舞台,課程是教育的實踐,也因此,課程難以和政治脫鉤。在教育利益團體彰顯其課程意識型態與運作權力時,我們須加以探討與反思,因為,它有可能彰顯了正面的價值與意義,卻也可能落入另一種霸權的宰制。 本文首先探討教育利益團體的特性、定位及對課程政策的影響,繼而剖析教育利益團體及其課程意識型態,以及教育利益團體傳遞其課程意識型態的原因與方式,接著討論教育利益團體的權力運作策略及類此手法對課程制訂所反映的意涵,包括「課程無法遠離政治」、「課程承載著不同的價值信念」、「課程的內涵呈現非穩定、持續變動的特質」、「最有價值的知識可能由教育利益團體所主導,而非專業課程學者」、「最常被大力宣揚的課程未必是最被需要的課程」等五項,最後提供建議,俾助於對教育利益團體的意識型態及其權力運作進行省思及批判。 |
英文摘要 | Education and curriculum inevitably associate with politics; therefore, when educational interest groups demonstrate their ideology and exercise their power, we have to examine and reflect it. The ideology of educational interest groups may manifest positive dimension of value and meaning, but it may also be domination. First the article inquires the characteristics and position of educational interest groups, and then focuses on the reasons and ways of educational interest groups delivering their curriculum ideology. Then, the article concludes some implications on curriculum decision, including: 1. curriculum being unable to be isolated from politics; 2.curriculum containing different value and interest; 3. the meaning of curriculum having unstable and dynamic characteristics; 4.the most valuable knowledge perhaps being dominated by educational interest groups, but not professional groups of curriculum:; 5.the curriculum publicized the most frequent not necessarily the greatest demand. Finally, the article makes some suggestions to reflect the curriculum ideology and ways of power exercising of educational interest groups. |