題 名 | 國共內戰時期美國對華軍事援助的幾個側面=Some Aspects of America's Help to the Chinese Nationalist Government in the Civil War, 1945-1949 |
作 者 | 王綱領; | 書刊名 | 中國歷史學會史學集刊 |
卷 期 | 38 民95.07 |
頁 次 | 頁319-333 |
分類號 | 578.522 |
關鍵詞 | 國共內戰; 馬歇爾; 參謀首長聯席會議; Civil War; George C. Marshall; Joint chiefs of staff; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 國共內戰時期之援助,為八年抗戰時期對華援助之延續。而戰後美國對華政策之首要,在要求國共兩黨組織「聯合政府」。為此馬歇爾來華調停兩黨之紛爭,想以五億美元之貸款為餌,逼迫國民政府就範。但兩黨都要「一黨獨大」,於是爆發全面的內戰。此時國務院受「中國通」的影響,主張中立,但念國民政府曾是戰時盟友,乃以小額的經濟軍事援華,其中軍援分成軍火軍需之援助及顧問團的派遣。前者雖未符國府之望,但得數量亦多,而顧問之見識與幫助雖未為國軍所全部接受或執行,但作用亦不小。可惜國人厭戰,國軍衰廢,終於難逃失敗一途。 |
英文摘要 | American Assistance to the Chinese Nationalist government during the Civil War period was a continuation of the policy in place during the Second World War. The basic policy of the U.S. government during the post-war period was to persuade the Nationalists to adopt a collaborative government policy to share political power with the Chinese Communist Party. To achieve this aim, Gen. Marshall utilized a $500m inducement. However, since what both sides wanted was to monopolize power, full-scale civil war eventually erupted. The U.S. Department of State, influenced by the "China hands," at first intended to adopt a neutral attitude toward the civil war. However, because the Nationalist government was its ally, the U.S. chose a policy of "less help, less involvement." In terms of military assistance, the U.S. provided some arms and ammunition, as well as an advisory group that included army, navy, and air force advisors. Although the assistance was limited, it nevertheless yielded some helpful effects. |