- 烏魚的文化、生態與其利用
- 鯔(烏魚)魚養殖
- 大陸鯔科魚類、鰻鱺人工繁殖概況
- 烏魚繁養殖技術淺論
- 烏魚繁養殖技術淺論
- 漁海況預報方法及應用於本省烏魚長期預報
- 回顧臭都魚、黃錫鯛、白魚、及烏魚的卵發育過程以探討正蜥魚卵的發育情形
- Redescription of Redlip Mullet Chelon Haematocheilus (Pisces: Mugilidae) with a Key to Mugilid Fishes in Taiwan
- Recruitment and Hatching Dates of Grey Mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) Juveniles in the Tanshui Estuary of Northwest Taiwan
- Species Composition and Seasonal Occurrence of Mullets (Pisces, Mugilidae) in the Tanshui Estuary Northwest Taiwan