- 漢生病(癩病)
- 世界史視角下的中國醫療史[評Leprosy in China: A History by Angela Ki-che Leung(梁其姿)]
- Studies on Leprosy in Taiwan(1): Correlation of Mycobacterium Leprae on Skin and Degree of Disability
- 癩病(麻瘋病)防治措施的演變
- Studies on Leprosy in Taiwan(2): Effect of Combine Anti-Leprosy Chemotherapy Upon Leprosy Patients Measured by Degree of Disability
- Studies on Leprosy in Taiwan(3): Negative Factors during Long-term Chemotherapy of Leprosy in the Sanitorium
- Studies on Leprosy in Taiwan(4): Factors Influencial to the Degree of Disability in Leprosy Patients and the Relative Significance of the Location of Disability
- 漢生病的辨識
- 從機構隔離至在地門診治療--以澎湖地區癩病防治為例(1930~1990)
- 雙態瘤型麻風病