- Correlates for Depression in Nursing Home Elderly Residents with and without Dementia
- 失智症者之憂鬱症狀探討
- 老人譫妄症之治療
- 城鄉及兩代間對護理之家看法的前驅性研究
- 老人長期照護機構設立標準及護理之家設置標準之比較
- 護理之家院內感染性肺炎
- 失智症的治療:精神科專科醫院的觀點與做法
- 南部社區老人憂鬱症狀盛行率及相關因素研究
- Estimation of the Family Cost of Private Nursing Home Care Versus Home Care for Patients with Dementia in Taiwan
- Prevalence and Correlates of Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly of Rural Communities in Southern Taiwan