- 運用行為修正改善血液透析病患高血磷症之成效
- 降磷藥物及飲食教育方案對於血液透析患者高血磷症控制之成效
- 團體衛教合併行為修正對血液透析病患體重控制知識、體重及血壓之成效
- 照顧一位罹患梅毒之透析病人的護理經驗
- 運用行為修正策略協助一位血液透析病患飲食控制與生活壓力適應的護理經驗
- 長期血液透析病患鈣磷控制與副甲狀腺素濃度的關聯性分析
- 照顧一位血液透析病人不遵從行為之護理經驗
- 降低門診長期血液透析腎友血磷值之改善專案
- 運用行為修正策略降低血液透析病人高血鉀發生率之改善專案
- The Significance of Syphilis Serology Tests on Long-Term Hemodialysis Patients
題 名 | 運用行為修正改善血液透析病患高血磷症之成效=The Effect of Behavior Modification on Improving Hyperphosphatemia in the Hemodialysis Patients |
作 者 | 孫嘉玲; 葉秀美; 蕭燕燕; 陳琇麗; 王麗玲; 林秀琴; 林姿儀; 李良怡; | 書刊名 | 健康管理學刊 |
卷 期 | 5:1 2007.06[民96.06] |
頁 次 | 頁49-59 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 高血磷症; 血液透析; 行為修正; Hyperphosphatemia; Hemodialysis; Behavior modification; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在評價行為修正對血液透析病患高血磷改善之效果。採類實驗法研究設計,以台北某一醫院血液透析中心,94年8月血磷值高於6 mg/dl(含)病患為研究對象,並以隨機方式分成實驗組與控制組。在進行研究前,研究對象先填寫高血磷認知及行為頻率問卷,之後,實驗組給施予行為修正,控制組則給予高血磷常規護理。在9月常規抽血時並給予後測問卷。研究結果顯示兩組在認知、行為、血磷值等層面皆達改善,但僅實驗組血磷值降低至正常範圍內。研究結果可提供改善血液透析病患血磷值之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the behavior modification on improving hyperphosphatemia in the hemodialysis patients. A quasi-experimental with two-group pretest-posttest design was used. The subjects were selected from the hemodialysis center of a hospital in Taipei and their serum phosphorus value was above 6.0 mg/dl in August, 2004. Subjects were divided by random assignment into an experimental group and a control group. They fulfilled the questionnaires of relative phosphoric knowledge and behavior before research. The experimental group received behavior modification, whereas the control group received only regular hyperphosphatemia nursing care. They then were written again the questionnaires and taken blood sample for phosphorus value in September. The results indicate that both groups experienced the improvements of knowledge, behavior and serum phosphorus value. Only serum phosphorus value of the experimental group was in the normal range. Study results may provide to improve hemodialysis patients' serum phosphorus value. |