題 名 | 臺南縣市、高雄縣市都市商業地區東南亞外籍勞工消費型態之初步比較=Comparison of Southeast Asian Migrant Workers' Consumption Patterns in Commercial Areas of Tainan County/ City and Kaohsiung County/ City |
作 者 | 陳坤宏; | 書刊名 | 建築與規劃學報 |
卷 期 | 9:3 2008.12[民97.12] |
頁 次 | 頁211-233 |
分類號 | 496.34 |
關鍵詞 | 東南亞外籍勞工; 消費型態; 都市商業地區; 臺南縣市; 高雄縣市; South-eastern Asian migrant workers; Consumption patterns; Urban commercial area; Tainan county/city; Kaohsiung county/city; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討東南亞外籍勞工在都市商業地區中的消費型態,並以台南縣、台南市、高雄縣、高雄市等四個縣市之菲律賓、泰國、印尼、越南四國之勞工爲研究對象,進行初步比較。本文由“消費型態”觀點切入,研究內容包括每月消費金額、休假時購買商品及價格、消費型態與商品意義、母國與台灣商品印象之比較、特定消費之商品項目、消費空間、以及特定消費之商店或地區等項目。採用的主要研究方法包括理論與文獻回顧、問卷調查、參與觀察等。問卷調查有效樣本共計392份,爲本文資料分析與解釋的來源。主要研究發現有:(1)在每月消費金額方面,菲勞最會花錢,其次是泰勞,再其次是越勞,印勞最省錢,其原因與婚姻狀況、扶養親人情形、薪水有一定的關聯。(2)在休假時購買商品及價格方面,菲律賓與泰國高於印尼與越南。(3)在消費型態與商品意義上,菲勞在「認同歸屬感」、「自我表現」、「展現權力」三項的表現上,非常明顯而具體,而其他三國勞工只有在「認同歸屬感」一項上比較明顯。(4)在特定消費之商店上,菲勞喜歡家樂福、愛買等大賣場、屈臣氏、運動用品店以及百貨公司,泰勞喜歡泰國商店、超商、通訊行,而印勞喜歡印尼商店,與越勞同樣較爲單純。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is to explore Southern Asian migrant workers' (Philippine, Thai, Indonesia, Vietnamese) consumption patterns in commercial areas of Tainan County/City and Kaohsiung County/City. The paper adopts the "consumption patterns" viewpoint intended to analyse consumption expenditure per month, purchasing commodity price, the meaning of commodity, product image between Taiwan and home, specific goode to consume, consumptive spaces and specific store to consume. Major research methods are applied, including related theories and literatures review, questionnaire survey and participatory observation. Questionnaire has been sent out to 392 valid samples of migrant workers' consumers. The main outcomes of this paper are as follows: (1) The Philippine labors are the most generous in consumption expenditure level, followed by Thai labors, the Indonesian labors and the Vietnamese labors, this outcome is correlated with their marriage status, supporting family and salary level. (2) The Philippine and Thai labors are higher than the Indonrsian and Vietnamese labors in purchasing commodity price level. (3) In the dimension of commodity's meaning, the Philippine labors have significant expression on "identity", "representation" and "power", and the population of other three nations are only on "identity". (4) In the dimension of consuming in specific store, the Philippine labors favor shopping mall (e.g., Carrefour), Watson, leisure and sport garnments stores (including NIKE, NET, GIORDANO) and department stores. The Thai labors are focused on Thai stores, supermarkets, communication stores. On the contrary with the two labors, the Indonesian and Vietnamese labors have no such diverse types of tastes. |