題 名 | 中國知識份子面臨的困境與挑戰--自新中國建國迄二十世紀末=Dilemma and Challenges Encountered by Chinese Intellectuals: From the Establishment of China to the End of 20th Century |
作 者 | 廖賢娟; | 書刊名 | 大葉大學通識教育學報 |
卷 期 | 2 2008.11[民97.11] |
頁 次 | 頁65-84 |
分類號 | 546.1 |
關鍵詞 | 知識份子; 中國政治; 經濟改革; 菁英主義; Intellectual; Chinese politics; Economic reform; Elitism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 摘要 從十九世紀末年到「五四」時期是中國士大夫逐漸過渡到知識份子的階段,邊緣化的過程也由此開始,自1949年新中國建立政權以來,正式標明現代中國知識份子走到了邊緣化的盡頭。而最近這四十多年,中國知識份子在文化領域也不斷從中心退處邊緣,這是值得特別注意的歷史現象。在社會經濟決定論的新觀念支配之下,不少知識份子已開始視文化為寄生物,及至「政治是決定一切的」思潮席捲中國,整個文化領域更完全失去了自主性,變成生活中最無關輕重的外圍裝飾品。在人文主義與人道主義話語於此時已喪失它曾有的有效性之際,中國知識份子唯有對中國的多元權力機制、各種權力中心、政治、跨國資本、市場媒介、大眾文化、菁英主義文化等更加深入認識與分析,方能更有力地實踐知識份子的社會批判。 |
英文摘要 | Abstract Since the end of 19th century, to 20th-century May-Forth Movement, Chinese traditional scholars were gradually transformed into modern intellectuals. However, it’s also the time when intellectuals are marginalized. Since 1949 onward, Chinese intellectuals have been furthermost marginalized; such de-centered withdrawal is a unique historical phenomenon worth of special study. New concepts dominated by economic determinism have dismissed culture as nothing; in addition, the idea of “political domination” whirls around China, which deprives culture of its independence and autonomy. Culture is degraded as mere decoration without value. At the time when any humanistic ideas have lost their past reliability, Chinese intellectuals have no other choice but see more clearly through the multiple-power institutions, as is presented in politics, global enterprises, market medias, mass culture, elites, etc, so that they are likely to launch more efficient social criticism related. |