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題 名 | 核心資源與先發優勢之實證研究:資源基礎觀點=The Empirical Study of Core Resource and First Mover Advantage: Resource-Based View |
作 者 | 侯嘉政; 陳國龍; 張宏榮; |
書刊名 | 管理實務與理論研究 |
卷 期 | 2:2 2008.06[民97.06] |
頁 次 | 頁23-54 |
分類號 | 494.542 |
關鍵詞 | 資源基礎觀點; 核心資源; 先發優勢; Resource-based view; Core resource; First mover advantage; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在於探討企業資源對先發優勢之效果,爲了驗證研究假設,本研究之研究對象係根據經濟部所發行之「商標公報」,分別於1997、1998年度在市場上推出消費性新產品且於「中央標準局」申請商標專利,同時獲致評核通過之廠商作爲界定本研究先發者與跟隨者廠商之依據,並針對所界定之先發廠商採問卷發放之方式,蒐集各變項所需之資料。實証分析結果如下: 1.本研究發現依據文獻回顧所建構出之23項用以衡量先發廠商之核心資源能力指標,可將先發廠商區分爲潛在資產型、核心競爭力型與組織能力型等三種分別代表不同性質之核心資源能力類型且藉由更一步之分析發現先發廠商若屬於核心競爭力與組織能力型者,將有助於形成良好品質聲譽之先發者定位優勢。 2.有關在產品特性對先發者定位優勢所形成之相對市場佔有率與獲利率的影響上,實証結果顯示如果先發廠商具備轉換成本之先發者定位優勢,其相對市場佔有率與廠商獲利率分別會受到先發廠商所推出之產品特性的強度而有所影響。 3.有關在市場型態上對先發者定位優勢所形成之相對市場佔有率與獲利率的影響上,實証結果顯示如果先發廠商具備有效品牌定位之先發者定位優勢,在便利品、選購品市場或選購品、特殊品市場其相對市場佔有率會有所差異若先發廠商具備轉換成本之先發者定位優勢,在便利品市場與特殊品市場上的廠商獲利率會有所差異。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this research is to explore the effect of firm resources on first moveradvantage. In order to test our hypothesis, the primary sample frame for this study was thetrademark reports released by Economic Division. From this report, this study draws thecompanies which launched new consumptive products 1997 and 1998, and obtained trademark licenses from National Bureau of Standards. Of the sampled companies, those launching new consumptive products in 1997 are defined as first movers while those launching new consumptive products in 1998 are defined as followers for this study. This study conducted a questionnaire survey of first movers to analyze variables. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. With 23 variables derived from the previous literature to explore the index of first-movers' core resources, this study classifies first movers into three groups: assets、core competence、organizational capability. Moreover, the advanced analysis finds that the sampled first movers in core competence type and organizational capability type have the first-movers' position advantage which benefits the development of corporate quality reputation. 2. The findings of this study show that product types influence companies' relative market shares and profits as first movers have the first-mover position advantage in terms of transfer cost. 3.With regard to the influence of product types on first-mover's relative market shares and profits, this study finds there are market share differences between convenience goods markets and shopping goods markets, and shopping goods markets and specialty goods markets. There are profit differences between convenience goods markets and specialty goods markets when first movers have first-mover position advantage in terms of transfer cost. |