- 三種鬼針草植株、種子外觀形態及發芽率之比較
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- 水分及鹽分逆境對不同來源之大花咸豐草種子之發芽效應
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- 不同光質對兩種鬼針屬(Bidens)植物種子發芽之影響
- 咸豐草(Bidens pilosa L.)及大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Sch.)開花後不同天數之種子大小及發芽特性
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題 名 | 三種鬼針草植株、種子外觀形態及發芽率之比較=Comparison of Morphology and Seed Germination of Three Bidens Species |
作 者 | 徐玲明; 林訓仕; | 書刊名 | 中華民國雜草學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 26:1 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁33-42 |
分類號 | 377.2215 |
關鍵詞 | 白花鬼針; 小白花鬼針; 大花咸豐草; 種子; 發芽率; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 鬼針草屬雜草在台灣常見的有白花鬼針(Bidens pilosa var. pilosa)、小白花鬼針(Bidens pilosa var. minor)與大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa var. radiata)三種。除了舌狀花可以區分三種雜草之外,在葉片及種子上亦可辨別。從種子外觀型態上以小白花鬼針的瘦果比其他二種較長,大花咸豐草芒刺上每列的倒刺較多,小白花鬼針的疣狀突起較多,大花咸豐草的瘦果在近果臍處具有淡黃色基瘤及向上之短刺,其餘二種則無。子葉形狀以白鬼針草的紡錘形,比其他二種較為略寬。大花咸豐草的葉片葉尖鈍圓,葉緣鈍鋸齒狀,容易與其他二種葉尖銳尖,葉緣細鋸齒狀區別。三種雜草可發芽的溫度範圍12-32℃,最適發芽的溫度為16-28℃,發芽率高於65%。光照及種植時覆土深度的試驗,大花咸豐草的發芽率高於其他二種雜草。 |
英文摘要 | Bidens of Compositae are common in Taiwan at low altitude. There are three Bidens (Bidens pilosa var. pilosa, Bidens pilosa var. minor and Bidens pilosa var. radiata) have similar morphology characteristics and habitat preference. In this study, we compared the morphology of appearance, and investigated the effects of temperature, planting depth on seed germination of three Bidens species under controlled environments. Seed germinated between 12-32℃ with optimum temperature occurred in the range of 16-28℃ that 65% or higher percentage of germination occurred. Achene were longer, and more downwardly barbed spines on the awns of Bidens pilosa var. minor. The identifying characteristics was cotyledon lanceolate on Bidens pilosa var. pilosa, and leaflet acute, crenate on Bidens pilosa var. radiate. Seed germination of Bidens pilosa var. radiata was higher than other two species, under light condition and planting depth treatment. |