題 名 | 關懷倫理與德行倫理的交會處--以友愛為線索=The Friendship between the Care Ethics and the Virtue Ethics |
作 者 | 游惠瑜; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 36:2=417 2009.02[民98.02] |
頁 次 | 頁75-92 |
專 輯 | 靈性與關懷倫理專題 |
分類號 | 199 |
關鍵詞 | 關懷; 德行; 關懷倫理; 德行倫理; 諾丁斯; 亞里斯多德; 友愛; Care ethics; Virtue ethics; Caring; Virtues; Noddings; Aristotle; Friendship; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自從Carol Gilligan 在她的《不同的聲音》一書中,提出有別於男性道德意識/正義倫理的女性道德意識/關懷倫理以來,關懷倫理成為代表女性倫理論述的焦點。諾丁斯亦在其《關懷》一書中,強調關懷是與正義/原則倫理不同的女性道德特性。諾丁斯的關懷理論既不贊成康德以無上律令的普遍性律則為主(consequentialism)的倫理,也不贊成以結果論為主的功利主義倫理。雖然有人認為關懷倫理是德行倫理,但是諾丁斯強調關懷倫理學為關係倫理學,不同於以個人行動為基礎的德行倫理學。相較於德行倫理致力於對個人德行的教導,關懷倫理學更重視製造道德生活的情境與關係。諾丁斯認為關懷倫理是有別於德行倫理的。關懷倫理真的與德行倫理有衝突或對立嗎?本文試圖釐清關懷倫理與德行倫理之間的爭議所在,並嘗試以友愛為線索,建構兩者的交會點。 |
英文摘要 | An ethic of care arose out of the attempt to develop an ethical theory that recognizes women's moral experiences. The theory originated with Carol Gilligan's work on a woman's voice in ethics, and Nel Noddings's discussion of caring. Such an ethic rejects both Kantian principle-based ethics and utilitarian forms of consequentialism; some philosophers like to classify care ethics as a form of virtue ethics. However, many care ethicists don't want to be virtue ethicists, because the ethic of care (as Nel Noddings have developed it) is fundamental relational; it concerns with caring relations, whereas the virtue ethics focuses on the character of individuals. But caring is no doubt a virtue, there are some similarities between the ethics of care and virtue theory. Among the virtues Aristotle discusses only friendship is characterized as willing the good of the other, and to consist more in loving than in being loved. Such a relationship in incorporation of caring and virtue would be of benefit to both the ethics of care and virtue ethics. |