題 名 | 新課程實施下高中中文科教師的閱讀教學觀與教學模式=Senior Secondary Chinese Language Teachers' Perceptions on Reading Instruction and Their Instructional Practices under the Implementation of the New Curriculum |
作 者 | 劉潔玲; | 書刊名 | 教育學報 |
卷 期 | 35:2 2007.冬[民96.冬] |
頁 次 | 頁29-57 |
分類號 | 523.73802 |
關鍵詞 | 香港; 高中; 中國語文課程; 閱讀教學; 教學模式; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要透過教師訪談和課堂觀察,探討在新課程實施下香港高中中文科教師的閱讀教學觀,以及他們實施閱讀教學的情況。參與研究的高中中文科教師共6名,分別來自不同成績組別的中學;他們有不同的教學年資,對新課程的熟悉程度亦各有不同。研究結果顯示,新課程推行了幾年,教師普遍都認同能力導向的閱讀教學觀,亦在施行閱讀教學時更加重視能力的訓練,並給予學生更多參與的機會。不過,研究結果同時顯示,教師對新課程的接受程度不一。他們普遍認為實施了新課程後,學生大多不重視知識的積累,語文基礎薄弱;而且,大部分教師仍是以傳統的教師主導模式施行閱讀教學。有關的研究結果對如何改善新課程的實施和提高中文科閱讀教學的效能有重要的啟示。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated Hong Kong Chinese language teachers’ perceptions on reading instruction and their instructional practices in senior secondary grades under the implementation of the new curriculum. A total of six teachers participated in this study. They come from schools with different bandings, have different years of teaching experiences, and have different levels of familiarity with the new curriculum. On the one hand, the findings of this study indicated that after the new Chinese language curriculum has been implemented for several years, teachers showed a high level of acceptance of the competence-based orientation. They also placed great emphasis on students’ ability development and increased students’ participation in their instructional practices. On the other hand, teachers held different views on the proposed instructional approach of the new curriculum. They pointed out that after the implementation of the new curriculum, students’ language foundation became weaker because they put less effort on memorizing the knowledge. Moreover, most of the teachers still adopted a traditional teacher-centered approach in teaching reading. Implications of these findings for understanding and facilitating Hong Kong teachers’ implementation of the new reading instructional approach are discussed. |