題 名 | 陳君玉與日治時期臺灣的流行音樂=Chen, Jun-Yu and Taiwanese Popular Music under Japanese Rule |
作 者 | 施慶安; | 書刊名 | 政大史粹 |
卷 期 | 14 2008.06[民97.06] |
頁 次 | 頁37-82 |
專 輯 | 現代史專號 |
分類號 | 782.88、782.88 |
關鍵詞 | 陳君玉; 流行音樂; 臺語流行歌; 新文學運動; 文藝大眾化; 文藝臺灣; Chen Jun-Yu; Popular music; Taiwanese popular music; New literature movement; Literature and art popularization; Literate Taiwan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,由於2003年金馬紀錄片『跳舞時代』在公視播送後,興起一股日治時期臺語流行音樂的風潮,例如「四月望雨」舞台劇的展演、「臺灣之歌」的票選活動、「解嚴20週年」禁歌演唱會等。上述活動舉辦的目的雖不盡相同,但都是臺語流行歌曲受到重視的表現。1930年代的臺灣,正是新文學運動與臺語流行音樂蓬勃發展的重要時期。許多知識份子投入創作,為臺灣文化播下許多珍貴的種子,奠定日後文藝大眾的基礎。陳君玉身為此時代的知識份子,除了在文學領域中參與文藝組織,也投身音樂界,致力於臺語流行音樂的歌詞創作。本文主要分析「臺灣文藝協會」的發行刊物《先發部隊》及《第一線》中有關陳君玉的歌詞創作,說明文藝與音樂之間的關係,從而瞭解陳君玉為「文藝大眾化」所做的努力及貢獻。 |
英文摘要 | Recently, after broadcasting the "tiao-wu-shih-dai", a documentary film of Gold Horse Award, 2003 on Taiwan Public Television, a wave of Taiwanese Popular Music under Japanese Colonial Rule was developed, such as the stage play "sih-yue-wang-yu", the voting activities "the song of Taiwan", the forbidden songs concert "declaring martial law ended twenty years", and so on. Although the purposes of these actions were not the same, more and more important expressions were respected for Taiwanese Popular Music. It was important period to develop vigorously for New Literature Movement and Taiwanese Popular Music in Taiwan in 1930. The intellect put in creating for the culture of Taiwan, and established the foundation of literature and art popularization. Chen Jun-Yu, being the intellect of this period, he also gave himself to music field to produce the lyrics of Taiwanese Popular Music, besides participating organizations in literary sphere. This article analyzes about the lyrics which Chen Jun-Yu produce in two publications, "sian-fa-bu-duei" and "di-yi-sian" of the literary association of Taiwan to illustrate the relations between literature and music, and then understand the Chen Jun-Yu's efforts and contributions for literature and art popularization. |