題 名 | 英國電信自由化與無線電頻譜法制變遷之探討=Examining Telecommunication Liberalization and Spectrum Management Legislation in the United Kingdom |
作 者 | 林俊宏; | 書刊名 | 國立中正大學法學集刊 |
卷 期 | 24 2008.05[民97.05] |
頁 次 | 頁247-295 |
分類號 | 557.71 |
關鍵詞 | 電信自由化; 無線電頻譜管理; 英國2003通訊法; 英國通訊局; 頻譜交易制度; Telecommunication liberalization; Spectrum management legislation; Communication act 2003; Office of communications; OFCOM; Spectrum trading market; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著通訊科技進步及網路普及化,電信市場的產業價值不斷增加,尤其是無線電通訊技術的發展,為全球電信市場提供了良性自由競爭的機會。其中,英國是最早進行電信自由化的國家之一,在1980年代開始即以民營化、市場機制為核心展開電信自由化的歷程,並因應科技及產業匯流而作出相關法制調整,使英國成為世界上電信自由化和無線電頻譜管理化程度最高的國家之一。另一方面,因無線電頻譜為自然界的有限資源且無國界之分,各國基於國際化和國際接軌的精神,須遵守國際間有關無線電技術性之規定,使國內頻譜使用能與世界各國和諧共存,英國之電信自由化和頻譜管理法制之調整,因而受國際電信聯合會的相關協定與歐盟電信的框架及指令之深刻影響。因英國頻譜管理政策之走向常為其他各國所仿傚,故本文擬從英國電信自由化歷程,分析英國無線電頻譜的管制方向,尤其是頻譜交易機制之建立,除確保競爭性市場外,亦包含對消費者權益保護之意義。 |
英文摘要 | Following with progress of communication technology and universalization of network use, the increasingly industrial values on telecommunication market have provided the benign competition opportunity for the global telecommunication industries. Meanwhile, United Kingdom is one of the earliest countries starting the process of telecommunication liberalization. Since 1980s, using the way of market mechanism to privatize state-owned telecommunication enterprises, and making the related legal adjustment to fit the technological and industrial afflux, United Kingdom has become one of the most successful countries achieving telecommunication liberalization and efficient spectrum management. In addition, radio spectrum is a limited natural resource and does not respect national border; therefore, most countries had gathered together to debate international rules regarding radio use and spectrum sharing. Based on the importance of internationalization, various countries also have observed international related technical stipulation, as well as adjusted domestic frequency spectrum uses to coexist harmoniously with other countries. Hence the spectrum regulatory mechanism has strong international and European influences. This article draws up from English telecommunication liberalization courses to analyze English radio spectrum controlling directions, establishment of spectrum market, telecommunication competitive policy, etc. In the end, the article would provide recommendations for the model of English spectrum regulatory system and see if such a model is suitable for Taiwan's current situation. |