- 2006年德國一般平等待遇法--勞動法領域平等貫徹的新契機?
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題 名 | 2006年德國一般平等待遇法--勞動法領域平等貫徹的新契機?=The German General Equal Treatment Act 2006--New Chance for Realization of Equality in Labor Law? |
作 者 | 林佳和; | 書刊名 | 成大法學 |
卷 期 | 15 2008.06[民97.06] |
頁 次 | 頁115-172 |
分類號 | 556.84 |
關鍵詞 | 德國一般平等待遇法; 平等原則; 歧視; The german general treatment act; Principle of equality; Discrimination; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在當代政治哲學「為什麼要平等」 ( Why-Equality ?) 之均等主義論戰中,私法領域內是否應有平等原則之實現,始終是法律理論與實踐之難題。德國 2006 年制定之一般平等待遇法,承襲自數則歐盟層次之相關指令,也繼續學說與實務之長久累積,試圖建立一貫穿於私法領域內,普遍之平等權保障與歧視禁止之通則,包括更清晰之比較要素與合法差別待遇之要件與類型。不論具體之成效為何,特別著眼於勞動法領域之普遍平等原則的貫徹,德國一般平等待遇法必須加以理解與分析,尤其是其思維主軸與意識,均值吾國相關問題之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The Equality of protection in our constitution has become a common theory among private parties' transaction indirectly. In general private law, it is likely that certain discriminations or unfair treatments were applied due to counterpart's nationality, race, age or sexuality. In such cases, contracting parties often advocate the freedom of contract or the different of cost and risk in order to apply different treatment. Whether the freedom of contract should justify the unfair treatment take into further consideration, which involves the conflict of fair treatment and the nondiscrimination of individual rights. "The General Equal Treatment Act" in German law 2006 was based on the EU Directive's principle to prohibit disadvantages in certain forms of relations in private law and insurance contract. This gives victims the rights to remove the infringement, to claim their damages and also establish exception clauses. In conclusion, the background, content and implementation of this new act are wo rth researching and could be serve and apply in our domestic law for future references. |