題 名 | 《小屯南地甲骨》祭祀卜辭句型討論=A Study of Sentence Pattern about Oracle Script from Southern Area of Shiao-tun |
作 者 | 姚志豪; | 書刊名 | 逢甲人文社會學報 |
卷 期 | 15 2007.12[民96.12] |
頁 次 | 頁25-60 |
分類號 | 792.2 |
關鍵詞 | 小屯南地; 祭祀卜辭; 句法句型; 文例研究; Southern area in“shiao-tun”; Oracle inscription; Sentence structure; Article style; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「小屯南地甲骨」是1973 年春由中國社會科學院考古研究所安陽工作隊所挖掘出的甲骨,該批甲骨的出土具有特殊的時代、科學意義,相較於早年中央研究院歷史語言研究所的十五次挖掘,本批材料使用了更進步的挖掘技術,減少了綴合的困難。同時,每版甲骨都有明確的地層坑位紀錄,奠定了往後科學發掘的基礎,是整體殷墟甲骨挖掘歷史中重要的里程碑。 1980 年,《小屯南地甲骨》圖錄出版,學界研究自始即偏重在「分期、斷代」層面,純粹的語言問題探討並不多,至為可惜。因此,筆者希望將《屯南》這批材料純粹以「語言對比」、「歷時描述」的角度進行探討,真正落實單批出土甲骨的語言研究。 筆者認為,《屯南》「康丁、武乙、文丁」三朝卜辭在句型、文例型態上前後一貫,有不可分割的發展關聯。同時,被部分學者劃為武丁晚期、命名為「歷組」的武乙、文丁卜辭,年代定位自然也應回歸到中晚期。而「武乙、文丁」卜辭在事類、文例上與武丁期卜辭的諸多相似點,應該被視為對早期禮制的模仿,我們從分析句型結構、類型的過程,得到這樣的體會。本文以《屯南》卜辭最大一宗事類-祭祀卜辭的句型討論來檢驗上述觀點的合理性。 |
英文摘要 | The oracle bones from southern area in “shiao-tun” was excavated by Ang-yang group of Chinese academy of social science in 1973. Compare with fifteen times excavations by Academia Sinica before, these cultural relics are provided with more particular significance about historical science. This excavation used progressive technique, therefore decreased difficulties of binding work. At the same time, every pieces of oracle bones has exact record of stratum, it is an important advancement in the history of Yin-ruin archaeological excavation. In the past, the research of oracle bone script proceeded by academic circle always laid particular stress on division of history into periods, it’s a pity for scientific investigate. Now we attempt enlarging the range of research, and lay out a study about language category and development. About the age, the mass of these oracle bones contain “kong-ting”, “Wu-yi” “Wen-ting”, three dynasties in late section of Yin period. In the study, we believe that the sentence pattern of three dynasties should be similar as their connected age. In the meanwhile, those scripts that had been named “Li-group” and dated to late section of “Wu-ting” dynasty by some research workers should be dated to middle period of Yin again. We believe that the wording of “Wu-ting” had been imitated by the writers of “Li-group” sedulously, and this result conforms to the theory that Dung tso-pin had ever brought up. In this article, we discuss the sentence pattern of oracle script for testing the rationality of this formulation. |