- The Neurobehavioral Disturbances of Traumatic Brain Injury
- 多重感覺刺激之發展及其臨床運用
- 協助一位頭部創傷合併偏癱及失語症患者復健之護理經驗
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題 名 | The Neurobehavioral Disturbances of Traumatic Brain Injury=頭部創傷後之神經行為異常 |
作 者 | 楊啟正; 黃勝堅; 花茂棽; | 書刊名 | 臨床心理學刊 |
卷 期 | 2:2 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁49-63 |
分類號 | 415.877 |
關鍵詞 | 頭部創傷; 神經行為異常; TBI; Neurobehavioral disturbances; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 目的:臨床上頭部創傷患者之認知缺損與情緒違常顯而易見。雖然國外已有許多研究分析該群患者之神經為異常,國內卻未見相關議題之探討。方法:有鑑於此,本文首先回顧過去文獻中头部創傷病人之認知功能障礙,包括訊息處理、注意力、記憶力與執行功能等之缺損;其次則整理患者情緒與行為異常之文獻,例如抑制困難與冷漠症候群等。結果:由過去研究可知,創傷後之神經行為異常甚為常見,並且造成患者社會與職業功能上的障礙。結論:對於頭部創傷患者之神經行為功能,國內亟需發展一套較為詳細之臨床衡鑑模式,以利後續之復健與治療。 |
英文摘要 | Objective: Cognitive and behavioral disturbances after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are not uncommon in clinical practice. Although the neurobehavioral consequences following TBI are richly documented in the western literature, studies on this topic in Taiwan are still limited in scope and number. Method: The present article first reviews the cognitive problems after head traumas, including deficits in information processing, memory, and executive functions. Meanwhile, emotional and behavioral disturbances, such as the disinhibition and apathy syndromes that occur after trauma, are also discussed. Results: There is a variety of neurobehavioral disturbances after TBI, which can be severely detrimental to the patient's social and occupational functioning. Conclusion: There is a necessity to establish a comprehensive assessment of neuropsychological deficits following TBI in Taiwan, with linkage to cognitive and/or behavioral remediation. |