題 名 | 網際網路與社會運動:一個虛擬社會運動組織形式之初探=The Internet and Social Movement: An Exploratory Study of a Taiwanese Virtual Movement |
作 者 | 許傳陽; | 書刊名 | 玄奘資訊傳播學報 |
卷 期 | 4 2007.07[民96.07] |
頁 次 | 頁37-50 |
分類號 | 541.773 |
關鍵詞 | 網際網路; 新社會運動; 虛擬社會運動; 反思性; Internet; New social movement; Virtual movement; Reflexivity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在一個數位傳播的時代中,社會政策的行動者(policy actors)使用網路影響政策過程的例子,愈來愈多,本研究試圖從社會運動組織資源運用與社會運動發展的關係,來理解虛擬社會運動 (virtual movement)的特質。本文從學者Giddens 的社會反思性 (reflexivity) 理論,作為研究虛擬社會運動的形式之分析概念。研究指出,新興的網路社會運動不只利用電腦網路(Internet)來動員支持者,更是用以建立一個行動者的虛擬連結,此一虛擬社會運動之組織的過程是當代集體行動(collective action)的新趨勢。 研究發現也指出,虛擬社會運動的組織過程,主要的目的在於建立一個討論的空間(discursivity),但討論的議題邊際(boundary),常存著高度的流動性的。虛擬社運訊息動員的目的主要在於建立團體的認同(group identity),此一團體認同的目標是建立虛擬社群的同伴鼠,因此,網路社會運動的行動昌的不只在於實現運動所欲改善之目標。而此一討論空間的成立與否需視社運過程中,議題如何被普及並被社運成員賦予意義,例如本一研究中發現,保護民眾傳播權的議題,在台灣的無線電視興革的網運中,形成對話的課題,使具有網運主體性的發酵並普及於參與者之功能,亦即通過網路留言板的連繫,網路社會運動的討論空間因而得以成立,並成為語意動員土的語言邊際。 相關的研究發現也指出,網路社會運動著重於平民語彙的傳播方式,反應出網路社會運動的跨地方性(trans-localism)之傳播型態,此一溝通的形式,顯現網運參與者以日常生活的經驗作為建立網路社會運動的溝通語言,形成當代網路社會運動的特質。 |
英文摘要 | The Internet is becoming increasingly important as a tool used by social movements. It is used for a variety of purposes by these movements. The Website may be employed as a discursive place to demonstrate the social movements. E-mail management lists may serve as a recruitment channel for membership in social movements. However, can this sort of mediated campaign substitute for "real" social mobilization? May the Internet actually be used to create a new form of social movement? This debate, therefore, raises fundamental issues for deliberating about the roles of information communication technology (ICT) in modem social movements. In terms of function of organizations, the study shows the virtual movement organization is an information provider and a mobilization vehicle as well. Secondly, in the analysis of the purpose of action, the paper finds that the virtual movement organization is combined with elements of discursive space. For instance, the declaration of alliance, means we should avoid overestimating the emancipating power of technology. Most importantly, the study indicates a new type of self-reflexivity emerging from such Internet-based social movements. In terms of the e-mail content, the virtual movement member uses a common language to implement the "movement." Apparently, the element of reflexivity should not be uniquely limited to the inflexible purpose of a movement group. Instead, the social boundary between public and private sphere in the virtual movement seems to be blurring. |