題 名 | 康熙年間臺灣宦遊詩人的情志體驗探討=A Study of Relevant Passions and Experiences about Taiwan Travelling Officers and Poets during Kang-xi Period |
作 者 | 吳毓琪; 施懿琳; | 書刊名 | 臺灣文學研究學報 |
卷 期 | 5 2007.10[民96.10] |
頁 次 | 頁9-33 |
專 輯 | 臺灣古典文學研究 |
分類號 | 821.0932 |
關鍵詞 | 康熙年間; 臺灣宦遊詩; 情志體驗; 陳璸; 孫元衡; 高拱乾; Kang-xi period; Poems from travelling officers in Taiwan; Passions and experiences; Ch'en Pin; Sun Yuen Heng; Kao Kung Kan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文探討康熙時期台灣宦遊詩作的情志內容,這是仕宦者在台灣生活的個人體驗,也是他們處理仕宦思想與懷鄉之情交互影響的心靈區塊。本論文先透過詩作來闡釋康熙官員的仕宦情志,包括他們為了報效國君來台灣,懷抱著治理台灣的熱情,但同時也浮現了「士不遇」的愁苦情結,承此複雜的情思,致使仕宦者心中面臨了「仕宦/歸思」的矛盾困境,文中以高拱乾、陳璸、孫元衡為例來觀察他們是如何面對處理這樣的困境。此外,仕宦者在台灣期間內心的情志趨向,也影響著他們對台灣的認同問題,一方面歸鄉之思使他們與台灣人之間築起藩籬,再方面認同感的匱乏,導致了他們體驗台灣的一草一木時,都帶著旅人的旁觀心態,不能真實地掌握台灣本色。這般情志的體驗表現於詩歌作品中,使吾人能夠覺察出康熙時期的仕宦者與台灣人民之間的疏離,從而可看出仕宦者循吏形象之外的另一面向。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigates Taiwan traveling poets works concerning personal emotional expressions during Kang-xi Period. These works represents travelling officers' own experiences in Taiwan, as well we these constructs their ideals as officers and their passions towards returning home. This study first describes officers' ambitions for their careers during Kang-xi Period which include their willingness in contributing themselves to the emperor and their passion in dominating Taiwan. However at the mean time their enthusiasm as dragged down by complexity of unpredictable future promotion that leads to contradictory thoughts between being an officer or resigning the job and returning home. This study demonstrates few examples such as Kao Kung Kan, Ch'en Pin, Sun Yuen Heng, as far as their recognition about Taiwan. On one hand, for they are eager to return home it builds up blockades between Taiwanese people and them; on the other hand, for they are in Taiwan as visitors and would only stay for short-term for work, they do not consider themselves as Taiwanese people hence they would not vividly conceive the true advantages of Taiwan and being Taiwanese people. From these works, it shows us the distant feelings between these officers and Taiwanese people hence it points out another side of these travelling officers in Taiwan. |