題 名 | 應用資訊通訊科技可以改善「公眾接觸」嗎?--臺灣個案的分析=Can ICTs Improve Civic Engagement?--An Exploratory Analysis of the Case of Taiwan |
作 者 | 陳敦源; 李仲彬; 黃東益; | 書刊名 | 東吳政治學報 |
卷 期 | 25:3 2007.09[民96.09] |
頁 次 | 頁51-92 |
分類號 | 572.9 |
關鍵詞 | 公眾接觸; 電子化政府; 電子民主; 網際網路; 資訊通訊科技; 民主鞏固; Civic engagement; E-government; E-democracy; Internet; ICTs; Democratic consolidation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 1990年代資訊通訊科技(Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs)的快速發展,成為公共行政學界不得不面對的一個重要領域。樂觀論者認為ICTS發展,可以解決許多民主行政的困境,比方說,應用ICTs提昇「公眾接觸」(civic engagement)是其中最受重視的觀念,另一方面,科技悲觀主義者則認為ICTs對於公眾接觸的產生一種不平等的強化效果。本文的主要目的,亦即要探討透過資訊通訊科技來提升「公眾接觸」質與量的可能性?這個問題的答案,關係著政府下一階段推動電子民主的政策正當性。 本文的目的將分為兩個部分,一是觀念引介,二是條件分析。首先,有鑑於過去國內對公眾接觸概念的引介較少,本文將先針對資訊通訊科技與公眾接觸之間做文獻上的整理與討論;其次,本文以一份2003年所做的全國民調資料,分析網路資訊科技使用對於公眾接觸提升的現況,並討論應用資訊通訊科技提升公眾接觸的環境條件。 從資料分析發現,雖然網路使用與網上公民接觸間有正向關係,但是ICTs主要是「強化」了原本就有參與熱忱的人士多,但「驅動」低公眾接觸族群少的狀況。本文認為,箇中原因在於現行政府所推動的電子化政府,偏重於網路使用族群以及行政運作方便性的需求,忽略掉民眾其他公眾接觸之面向,包括資訊公開以及公共諮詢等部分。不過,雖然以網路提昇公眾接觸的條件不成熟,但並不代表樂觀主義者從此永無翻身之日,本文認為,藉由台灣第二階段(2007-2011)國家資訊通信發展方案中植入改進方案,仍有機會突破上述困境。最後,本文也提出未來政府政策方案的三點建議:一、繼續推動推動縮短「數位落差」(digital divide)的相關政策;二、建立以「使用者中心」(user-centered)的電子化政府架構;三、展開電子化政府「線上界面」與「實體制度」的同步改革(synchronized reforms)。 |
英文摘要 | Since the 1990s, the utilization of information and communication technology (ICTs) has become an important instrument for promoting public management reforms. Governments around the globe have made enormous investments in e-government initiatives. However, at the same time, critics have argued strongly that electronic government has gained objectives of its own, regardless of what citizens really want from it. According to a national survey, besides online service deliveries, Taiwanese people want e-government to play a more active role in government information dissemination and public policy consultation. In other words, people want e-government to be more “democratic” through promoting “civic engagement” in society. The key question thus becomes: could and how does ICTs promote civic engagement? This will be the key question to be answered in the next stage of e-government initiatives in Taiwan. However, scholars are still debating whether the internet has a “reinforcing” or “mobilizing” effect on civic engagement. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze national survey data to identify whether utilization of the internet encourages civic engagement in Taiwan. The results show that there is a strong correlation between utilization of the internet and online civic engagement. However, ICTs has a reinforcing rather than mobilizing effect on civic engagement. In other words, those who are already active in real-world civic engagement tend to be mobilized online to engage with others. At the end of this paper, three policy recommendations are proposed. They are: (1) more resources should be allocated to reduce the digital divide; (2) user-centered technology should be the core value of the next step of the e-government initiative in Taiwan; and (3) simultaneous reforms between online interfaces and the real world system should be included in the initiative. |