題 名 | 族群通婚的身份認定與認同問題之研究--以花蓮地區原客通婚為例=Inter-Ethnic Marriages and Ethnic Identity: Indigenous and Hakka Marriages in Hualien, Taiwan |
作 者 | 謝若蘭; 彭尉榕; | 書刊名 | 思與言 |
卷 期 | 45:1 2007.03[民96.03] |
頁 次 | 頁157-196 |
分類號 | 546.58 |
關鍵詞 | 身份認定; 族群認同; 族群通婚; 雙族裔; Identification; Ethnic identity; Interethnic marriage; Biethnic identity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 族群通婚為族群認同轉變帶來新的契機,通婚者或下一代的族群認同可能隨環境轉移或具備多重性。但官方的族群身分認定為單一性,很可能與族群認同發生衝突。 如本研究發現第一代原住民婦女,婚後的原住民身份雖然均已喪失,但對於自我的族群認同依舊是原住民,所以族群認定與族群認同不一定能重疊。至於優勢族群的認同則較難以鬆動,所以大多數的客家男性在婚後並不願降低自己的族群位階去認同原住民。儘管如此,族群界線的鬆動卻出現在原客雙族裔身上。因為這些雙族裔在初級關係的基礎上,有更多機會接觸到原住民族群,較可能對原住民族群產生認同。 本研究更發現,原客雙族裔族群身份的變更會連帶地影響認同的「有意識」轉變,尤其是更改為原住民身份者,會較積極地尋回原住民認同,以使自己更符合受惠的族群角色。值得我們注意的是原住民族群身份認定辦法,如改從母姓,並非每個原住民族所習慣的傳統,此舉除了等於落入中國式父權制度及思考邏輯外,也等於將族群歸屬與家族繼承混為一談。 因此,官方所制定的族群身份認定辦法,應回到個體的族群認同以及姓氏對於族群的意義層次作思考,族群身份才不至於失去認定的意義。 |
英文摘要 | Interethnic marriages pose a challenge to methods of official racial identification both for spouses and their offspring. Given that the official system only allows a person to indicate one race, many indigenous women lose their official indigenous status and do not transmit it to their children, even though they still retain a sense of self-identification as indigenous. In recent years the increased prominence given to indigenous people, both in Taiwan and throughout the world, has led to an increase in the number of registered indigenous people. Dominant groups, such as Hakka men, are unlikely to choose indigenous status. Hence the problem emerges among their spouses and children. While some children of mixed parentage are keen to identify with their indigenous roots, those living in mixed Hakka-indigenous villages are unlikely to adopt indigenous status. Official registration allows for a person to change their surname and adopt their maternal surname and tribal identity. However, not all tribes use the Han Chinese paternal logic. They may prefer to keep tribal recognition and family inheritance as two separate things. The official identity system limits the possibilities available and forces them to make choices that do not correspond with their self-identification. However, the research shows that children who do opt for indigenous identity show a greater degree of interest in identifying and understanding their indigenous culture. The official system of identification should, then, pay more attention to an individual’s own self-identification for only then will indigenous status retain its significance. |