題 名 | 我國大學通識教育的現況、問題與對策=Present-Day's General Education in Taiwan's College and Universities: Problems and Solutions |
作 者 | 劉金源; | 書刊名 | 通識學刊:理念與實務 |
卷 期 | 1:1 民95.07 |
頁 次 | 頁1-30 |
分類號 | 525.4 |
關鍵詞 | 大學通識教育; 問題與對策; College general education; Problems and solutions; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國大學校院實施通識教育已有二十餘年,各校在大學課程中普遍都規定必修通識課程學分,並設置相關之教學與行政單位,從事通識教 育之推動。推各校對於通識教育之定位與內涵,都仍不甚明確,實施成效亦有待觀察。教育部為了瞭解各校實施情形,於民國八十七年進行一 次全面性的通識教育訪評,之後,於民國九十三年,針對國內七所資源較為豐富的研究型大學進行通識教育評鑑,並於九十四年綜合大學校務 評鑑中將通識教育列為校務類評鑑項目之一,顯示教育部亟需瞭解各校實施通識教育成效的立場。本文主要針對以上評鑑過程中,在理念與目 標、組織與制度、教學與行政資源、課程規劃、教學品質、師資、自我評鑑等各方面所發現的問題,進行剖析,並提出具體解決問題之對策, 以作為各校參酌。同時,針對教育部就整體推動通識教育上所應扮演的角色,提出具體建議,以作為育部擬定通識教育相關政策之參考。 |
英文摘要 | It has been more than two decades since the implementation of general education program in the Taiwan's colleges and universities. Most colleges have now required their undergraduates to take a certain amount of credits to fulfill the basic requirement for the degree; furthermore, most institutions have set up relevant units to develop and carry out the program. However, the purpose and the areas of general education are still far from clear. In order to assess the effectiveness of general education in the undergraduate programs, the Ministry of Education of R.O.C (ROCMOE) had conducted a comprehensive survey on general education programs in most colleges during the year of 1998. Moreover, in the year of 2004, a formal evaluation on general education has been conducted on seven research-oriented universities. Also, in the following year's evaluations on the comprehensive college affairs, the general education was one the major items in the evaluation list. All of the above have indicated that the ROCMOE has maintained its concerns on the development of college general education. The objectives of this article are to report the issues, based upon the observation from the above-mentioned evaluations, particularly, the results of the year 2004's evaluation, and then to offer some measures to resolve the problems. It is hoped that these measures may offer an option or alternative, both in colleges and universities as well as government, in their future development or policy-making on college general education. |