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題 名 | 臺北捷運票價之訂定=Fare Setting of Taipei Metro |
作 者 | 詹仕聰; | 書刊名 | 軌道經營與管理 |
卷 期 | 1 2007.08[民96.08] |
頁 次 | 頁41-64 |
分類號 | 557.85 |
關鍵詞 | 合理客運收入; 運價率; 變動分區; 票價級距; 競爭運具; 重置基金; 票價彈性; 投資報酬率; 槓桿訂價; Ridership; Passenger trip; Cost-effective; Fare formula; Rate of return; Rationale; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自1996年3月28日木柵線通車營運迄今,臺北捷運營運已順利屆滿11年,10餘年間,載客輸運人次屢創新高,儼然成為臺北都會區快捷大眾運輸的代名詞。論其受到民眾喜愛的要素,除安全、可靠、舒適、便捷的服務品質外,合宜適切的訂價亦是關鍵。 捷運票價之訂定,受到「大眾捷運系統運價率計算公式」的規範,在以成本為主要訂價因子的公式限制下,路網初期依公式所訂價格遠非一般市民所能負擔,因此,臺北捷運公司在兼顧大眾運具輸運服務使命及公司永續經營要求下,跳脫制式成本訂價窠臼,以不違反公式精神,並綜合考量民眾所得水準、運輸市場均衡性及公司財務負擔能力後,訂定以距離分區、符合民眾期望的普及化價格,該價格實施10餘年未曾調漲,不但吸引大量旅客搭乘,充份發揮捷運的社會效益,也為公司帶來合理的票箱收入。 大眾運輸費率接受政府管制本無庸置疑,然而制定一套以成本為基本出發點的運價率計算公式,在臺北都會區這個具市場規模的城市,或可因經濟規模達到公式計算所得之運價率,但對於其他城市人口密集度較小或大眾運具使用率較低的城市,依以成本訂價的公式是否可行?公式中規範之合理投資報酬率設計是否合理?本文亦將提出供後續研究參考。 |
英文摘要 | More than ten years have passed since the first line of Taipei Metro opened to revenue service on March 28th, 1996. With its safe, reliable and comfortable service, Taipei Metro's ridership continues to grow, averaging 1.1 million passenger trips per day. Other than the service provided, the reasonable fare level is undoubtedly another key factor that contributes to the high ridership. When the Metro fares were first proposed, the fares originated from the government-set, cost-based "Fare Calculation Formula for Metro System" were too high for the public t enjoy. Therefore, based on the mission of providing a cost-effective public transportation and maintaining a sustainable development at the same time, Taipei Metro came up with a set of new fares after taking into consideration various factors such as public income, balance in transportation market, and company's future financial performance. The new fares, which have not been increased since they took effect ten years ago, not only have met public expectations and the essence of the fare formula, but also have boosted ridership, bringing in reasonable revenue for the company. Even though public transportation fares are governed by the government, the fare formula suited to a city like Taipei with its economic scale may or may not be applicable to cities with less population density or lower public transportation utility. Is the rate of return designed in the formula really reasonable? The rationale in the application of the fare formula, as well factors that should be considered in fare-setting, are discussed for future research. |