題 名 | 創傷、博物館與集體記憶之建構=Trauma, Museums and the Formation of Collective Memory |
作 者 | 陳佳利; | 書刊名 | 臺灣社會研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 66 2007.06[民96.06] |
頁 次 | 頁105-143 |
分類號 | 069 |
關鍵詞 | 創傷; 集體記憶; 猶太浩劫紀念館; 臺北二二八紀念館; Trauma; Collective memory; The Holocaust memorial museum; The Taipei 228 memorial museum; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 作為記憶保存之機構,博物館透過選擇與展示再現,有意識地建構社會之集體記憶,進而書寫族群與國家的歷史,並建構想像的共同體。其中,紀錄國家民族過去所共同經歷創傷之紀念型博物館,扮演著重要的角色。紀念型博物館一方面經由重新建構與詮釋事件或災難本身,使得創傷經驗之再經驗與重複討論成為可能,另一方面,因博物館的機構性質及其所建構的公共空間,也成為提供民眾反省歷史、凝聚民族情感與建構認同與集體記憶之場域。因此世界各國紛紛建立各種紀念型博物館,提供民眾一個緬懷、悲憤進而建構集體記憶的場所。然而,在交織著各種災難、爭戰與痛苦的人類歷史長河中,究竟哪些災難與創傷記憶會成為博物館永久紀念的對象?而國家權力及不同的族群團體又是如何介入、選擇並透過博物館來建構集體記憶?而觀眾又是如何經由博物館的再現機制來理解、詮釋並且回應歷史的創傷與悲劇?這些都是本研究想要探討的問題。 本文擬以創傷、博物館與集體記憶之建構為研究主題,以文獻回顧的方法,整理討論災難紀念型博物館之類型與形成背景,並以國外猶太浩劫紀念館為例,探討博物館與集體記憶及認同之建構關係。此外,本文並將以台北二二八紀念館為個案,分析其中政治、認同與創傷記憶是如何在這個場域中糾葛、展示與型塑。 |
英文摘要 | As an institution of collecting and preserving memories, the museum not only constructs the social collective memory, inscribes the history of the nation but also constructs the imagined community by its selection and representation. Among all types of museums, the memorial museum which documents the traumatic experiences of the nation plays an important role. The memorial museum on the one hand makes it possible to re-experience and discuss repeatedly the traumatic experiences by its reconstruction and interpretation of the incident or disaster itself. On the other hand, the public space of the memorial museum also provides a field for visitors to reflect history, build national consensus and construct identity and collective memory. During the long history full of disasters, wars and traumas, what kind of disasters and traumatic memories will be selected and memorized by the museum? How does the power of nation and different ethnical and interest groups get involved and select memories to be presented by the museum? Also how do visitors understand, interpret, and respond to the historical tragedies and traumas through the mechanism of representation of the museum? These are the questions that this paper intends to explore. This paper aims to discuss the relationship between trauma, museum and the construction of collective memory. It will present the types and context of the memorial museums and apply the holocaust museum as an example to discuss the relationship between the museum and construction of collective memory and cultural identity. In addition, the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum will be applied as a case study to analyze how politics, identity and traumatic memories are intertwined, displayed and constructed in this particular field. |