題 名 | 論趙樹理的民間文學觀=Discussion on the Folk Literature Perspective of Shu-li Chao |
作 者 | 劉秀美; | 書刊名 | 政大中文學報 |
卷 期 | 7 2007.06[民96.06] |
頁 次 | 頁183-196 |
分類號 | 858 |
關鍵詞 | 趙樹理; 民間文學; 通俗文學; 群眾創作; 通俗化; Shu-li Chao; Folk literature; Light literature; Public creation; Popularization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 趙樹理使通俗化為革命服務的意識萌芽於1934 年,自此以後的創作力求以溝通世俗為其目標。他的通俗化趨向特點在於將通俗文學定位在「想寫給農村中的識字人讀,並且想通過他們介紹給不識字人聽的。」因此,讓不識字的人也能聽懂,成為其通俗化過程的重要成因,也是他的作品呈現出與一般通俗文學不同的地方。為了達此目的,他在創作上「有意識的」作了許多努力,其中民間文學觀是創作中重要的啟發點。本文透過他對民間文學的看法及在鼓勵「群眾創作」中運用民間文學的方式,探討作家之民間文學觀及其創作實踐。 |
英文摘要 | Shu-li Chao’s mission to popularize literature for revolution emerged in 1934, and his set his writing goal to be communicative with the laymen ever since. His popularization trend positioned folk literature as “writing for villagers who can read, and have them introducing the writing to illiterates.”Therefore, writing that is comprehensible to illiterates is the key factor to literature popularization, and also a distinguishing factor from other light literature. To achieve this goal, he has made much “intentional” efforts, among which folk literature perspective is the main inspiration point in creation. This study discusses his folk literature perspective and writing practice through Chao’s opinions on folk literature and usage of folk literature to encourage “public creation”. |