題 名 | 十八世紀哥薩克國自治權與社會的轉變=The Transformation of Ukrainian Cossacks' Autonomy and Society in 18[90bb] Century |
作 者 | 周雪舫; | 書刊名 | 輔仁歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 19 2007.07[民96.07] |
頁 次 | 頁221-280 |
分類號 | 574.482 |
關鍵詞 | 烏克蘭哥薩克; 彼得一世; 凱薩琳二世; 蓋特曼; 自治權; Cossacks; Centralism; Autonomy; Peter I; Catherine II; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「烏克蘭哥薩克人」於十五世紀末十六世紀初形成之後,愛好自由、平等與享有自治權是哥薩克人的特色。1648 年建立的「哥薩克國」自統治國波蘭獲得自治權,不久之後於1654 年接受莫斯科的保護,繼續享有自治權。但是實行中央集權的俄羅斯無法容忍哥薩克國享有地方自治權,經由彼得一世減弱其自治權,哥薩克國領袖蓋特曼改為派任而非推選;至凱薩琳二世廢除蓋特曼,派任總督統領哥薩克國的軍事、行政、司法、財政事務,並將哥薩克軍納入俄羅斯正規軍,最後亦將該地區劃為行省。俄羅斯與烏克蘭不再是保護國與被保護國的關係,而變成為「中央與地方」的關係法。此外,烏克蘭貴與俄羅斯貴族依據相同的源享有特權,市民與商人受俄羅斯的「市政法」管理,教士也成為世襲的封閉階層,平民哥薩克降為國家農民,農民則淪為農奴,而成為俄羅斯社會結構的一部分。亦即烏克蘭的社會結構轉變了,原本具有相當流動性的社會結構現與俄羅斯社會相同:變成階層分明且難以踰越的社會。本文主要探討十八世紀時期哥薩克國的自治權遭到實行中央集權的俄羅斯減弱最終廢除的事實,以及烏克蘭社會如何由一個較平等、較寬鬆的社會融入嚴格層級化的俄羅斯社會。 |
英文摘要 | The Ukrainian Cossacks took shape in the second half 15th century and the first half 16th century. Cossacks love freedom and equality. They possessed rights and privileges. On August 18, 1649, an autonomous Cossack State or the Hetmanate was established by Polish agreement, ruled by a Hetman. Russia became protector of the Hetmanate since 1654, however, the Cossacks reserved the rights and privileges. Russian centralism was incompatible with autonomy, there were many conflicts on both sides. Peter I weakened the autonomy of Cossacks. Catherine II abolished the Hetmanate’s institutions and the autonomy of Cossacks, the Hetmanate was divided into three provinces—Kiev, Novhorod-Sivers’k, and Chernihiv. The traditional Cossack regiments were reorganized into regiments of the Russian army. At length, Ukrainian society adjusted to the Russian Empire order. After Russian military modernization and uniformity of administration, Russia was a powerful state, and in consequence the Cossack’s autonomy was abolished. Ukrainian church was subordinate to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1780s. The Ukrainian gentry, merchants, burghers, clergy were Russification. Ukrainian peasants became serfs. In short, the Ukrainian society was not an equality society any longer, the Cossacks lost freedom and equality. |