- 多元文化保障下原住民族教育的憲法建構
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題 名 | 多元文化保障下原住民族教育的憲法建構=The Establishment of Education for Aborigines from the Perspective of the Provisions on Pluralistic Culture in the Constitution |
作 者 | 許育典; 盧浩平; | 書刊名 | 東吳法律學報 |
卷 期 | 17:3 民95.04 |
頁 次 | 頁1-80 |
分類號 | 581.23 |
關鍵詞 | 多元文化; 文化差異; 原住民族運動; 原住民族權利; 原住民族教育; 原住民教育權; 基本國策; 多元文化國; Pluralistic cultures; Cultural difference; Sport for aborigines; Right for aborigines; Education for aborigines; Educational right for aborigines; Basic policies of country; National goals; Nations with pluralistic culture; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在一個多元社會中,對於不同精神思想、政治意識以及文化認同的現象、問題與看法,每個人或群體都可能有其差異性的對立。這樣的文化差異或文化多樣性的開展,其實也是文化成長及進步的泉源。事實上,憲法上不同文化基本權的保障,也涉及到對多樣的文化差異的保護情形。我國憲法增修條文第10條第11項的規定中明文提及:「國家肯定多元文化。」這個規定的目的,在於透過憲法的規範,建構多元文化國的憲法保障基礎,賦予國家保護不同或多樣文化差異的義務,而這必須透過其國家中立性與寬容原則的建構來落實。臺灣的原住民一直以來處於政治、社會與歷史的邊陲,其文化不斷的受到臺灣社會主流群的歧視。因此,重新找回原住民在歷史文化的定位,承認他們是臺灣這塊土地的先住民,主流文化必須深切體認臺灣是個多民族國家,同時也是一個多元文化的社會,學會尊重臺灣每一個原住民族獨特的歷史背景與文化,才是解決臺灣原住民族問題的根本之鑰。而這些理想的達成,最根本的途徑則是教育。當原住民學生進入國家的教育系統中,也必須面對其文化差異的問題。而作為一個多元文化國,國家究竟應當扮演什麼樣的角色,才能解決這個原住民族教育上的文化差異問題,並落實原住民教育權的保障,是本文主要的思考與探討脈絡。 |
英文摘要 | In our modern pluralistic society, individuals (or groups) may express opposing views with others in the realms of spiritual thinking, political ideology and cultural recognition. Theorists have argued that the development of the cultural differences or diversity can be a source of strength, which fosters the growth and development of the culture. In fact, the Amendment X, Section I of the Constitution of the Republic of China, which provides "The State affirms cultural pluralism.", constructs the foundation of constitutional protection on Pluralistic Cultures Country and imposes an obligation upon the state to protect the cultural diversity and heterogeneousity, and all of these should be realized by the way of construction of Neutral Principle and Principle of Charity. For a long time, aborigines in Taiwan have been on the periphery of politics, society and history, and their cultures have been discriminated by the mainstream groups. Therefore, we must retrieve the historical and cultural position of aborigines; admit the fact that they are prior inhabitants in Taiwan; and people of mainstream culture must deeply realize that Taiwan is a multi-racial nation as well as a society with pluralistic culture respect the unique historical background and culture of each aboriginal races. Those are keys to solve problems of the aborigines in Taiwan, and education is the essential way to reach such goals. The issue of culture differences will also be encountered by the aboriginal students when they get into the educational system of the nation. In order to solve the problem of cultural differences in aboriginal education and build a system to guarantee educational right for aborigines, this article mainly focuses on the role to be played by our state as a nation with pluralistic cultures. |