題 名 | 崛起的中國在拉丁美洲的政策與作為:追求霸權或是建立夥伴關係=The Policy and Behavior of the Rising China in Latin America: Pursuing Hegemony or Establishing Partnership |
作 者 | 鄧中堅; | 書刊名 | 國際關係學報 |
卷 期 | 23 2007.01[民96.01] |
頁 次 | 頁15-55 |
分類號 | 578.256 |
關鍵詞 | 中國大陸; 中國崛起; 拉丁美洲; 美國; 巴西; 自由貿易; 石油; 大戰略; 霸權; 夥伴關係; China; The rise of China; Latin America; United States; Brazil; Free trade; Petroleum; Grand strategy; Hegemony; Partnership; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中國的崛起已經對國際政治經濟帶來很大的衝擊,幾乎影響到每一個層面。這一個現象令當今唯一的超級強權美國憂心忡忡。美國持續密切注意中國在第三世界的外交活動,特別是在拉丁美洲。崛起的中國不但積極推動與東亞地區國家的經濟合作(例如,簽署自由貿易協定)和其他國際活動,而且更將這樣的關係網絡延伸到其他地區,包含了美國的後院—拉丁美洲。對這些遙遠的西半球第三世界國家,中國外交政策核心是基於「和平與發展」的戰略思維。在外交作為上,中國採行的經濟外交、多邊主義、夥伴關係。從實際的作為來觀察,中國的外交確實強化了與拉丁美洲國家的互動關係。總體而言,中國在西半球追求霸權仍然是遙不可及的目標,它在這個區域的發展目前是在填補美國在九一一恐怖攻擊之後遺留的勢力空間。在短期和中程的發展中,中國大陸勢必要與拉丁美洲國家維持和諧夥伴的關係,以使其有足夠的資源和廣大的市場,維持繼續發展的態勢。更具意義的是,中國大陸不挑釁美國在西半球的優勢地位,一方面可以維持和平的國際環境,另外一方面也可以無形的削弱美國的優勢。如果中國大陸繼續維持現有成長的趨勢,而拉丁美洲主要國家強烈反美的立場依舊存在,則我們可以預期中國大陸有可能與美國在拉丁美洲會逐漸形成對等的地位,並可以自由進出美國的後院。 |
英文摘要 | The rise of China has been bringing about strong impact on international political economy and on every aspect. This kind of phenomenon has been worrying the United States. Moreover, U.S. has been paying much attention to China’s diplomacy in the third world in general, and the Latin America in particular. After its rise, China has been actively involving into economic cooperation (e.g. signing free trade agreement) and other international activities not only in the neighboring countries but also in other regions, including Latin America-the backyard of the United States. In order to contact those distant countries in the Latin America, the core of Chinese foreign policy lies in the strategic thinking of ”peace and development.” With regard to its foreign policy behavior, we can observe its economic diplomacy, multilateralism, and partnership. It is true that China's relations with Latin American nations have been strengthened and consolidated. In sum, China's pursuing hegemony in the Western Hemisphere remains a very distant object and Chinese involvement into the development of this region is to fill in the vacuum left by the United States in the post-911 era for the time being. In the short and intermediate term, China must to have some kind of partnership with Latin American nations for the purpose of accessing their resources and markets. Without challenging U.S. dominance in the Western Hemisphere is more meaningful for China to have a sustaining environment and to decrease U.S. dominance implicitly. If China can grow continuously and the existence of anti-U.S. atmosphere in Latin America, China might gain a position equal to the United States in the future. |