題 名 | 美國信託法「受託義務」與「證券投資」:以注意義務及忠實義務為中心=The America Trust Law "Fiduciary Duty" and "Securities Investment": Focusing on the Field of Duty of Care and Duty of Loyalty |
作 者 | 王育慧; | 書刊名 | 玄奘法律學報 |
卷 期 | 6 民95.12 |
頁 次 | 頁121-157 |
分類號 | 563.32 |
關鍵詞 | 信託; 受託義務; 注意義務; 審慎之人原則; 審慎投資人原則; 忠實義務; Trust; Fiduciary duty; Duty of care; Prudent man rule; Prudent investor rule; Duty of loyalty; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 信託法之發展起源於英、美,學界及法院見解對於受託人投資處分信託財產之規範與責任多有著墨。關於受託人投資處分信託財產的注意義務內涵,美國法也歷經多次演變,發展成為「審慎投資人原則」(Prudent Investor Rule);其對於忠誠義務內涵之詮釋也朝向精緻類型化。我國為英美信託法律之繼受國,信託法制發展時間不長,在受託人受託義務內涵之詮釋上更是急待充實。就投資注意義務而言,我國信託法第二十二條規定之善良管理人注意義務實質內涵,未盡明確,尚欠缺細緻化之操作標準,已難以因應現今複雜多樣化之投資工具。而關於投資忠實義務之一般規定,我國信託法卻付之闕如,本文建議宜應參仿美立法例,對於受託人忠實義務之內涵能作一原則性規範'以維受益人之權益。 |
英文摘要 | The standard of trustee’s duty of care in trust investing has been through several conversions and developing to the “the Prudent Investor Rule” in America. Also, the violations of duty of loyalty are separated into definite categories. Taiwan inherited the Trust Law from the Anglo-American, therefore the development of Trust Law is not mature yet. The standard and content of trustee’s duty of care which is unclear and short of details can’t adapt to changing complicated investment instruments. Furthermore, it lacks general clause for duty of loyalty in the Trust Law. This article suggests that the authorities should strengthen the standard and content of trustee’s duty of care, and make the general clause for duty of loyalty in order to protect the beneficiary . |