題 名 | 中醫鼓勵結合現代科技加強醫療服務教育訓練計畫=Training Proposal for Improving Medical Service with Modern Technology in Traditional Chinese Medicine |
作 者 | 張恒鴻; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 24:3 民95.10 |
頁 次 | 頁187-283 |
專 輯 | 中醫藥科技化相關研究 |
分類號 | 413 |
關鍵詞 | 中醫診斷; 教育訓練; 輔助儀器; TCM diagnosis; Instrumentation; Training program; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣中醫診斷學會致力於推動傳統中醫之現代化、科學化與國際化,並促進中醫診斷之學術研究,發展中醫臨床診斷標準作業程序,推動中醫診斷之教學訓練。本計畫旨在結合現代科技以加強中醫醫療服務,研發醫療儀器並發展四診診斷病歷紀錄,以便詳細觀察及診斷病情,探究病與證之特性,提升醫療品質,同時也有助於療效評估與邁向實證醫學之目標。 本計畫以中醫舌診與脈診教育訓練為主,藉研討會之舉辦,邀集中醫診斷學者專家共同參與,規畫舌診與脈診各8小時課程,分別於北中南三區辦理,課程以結合現代科技,提升中醫醫療品質之教育訓練為規劃重點,納入基礎中醫理論與臨床診斷實務,並使用診斷輔助儀器以加強醫療服務,課程規畫以建構標準化作業流程與教學,提昇中醫師診斷現代化作業及相關學術交流。 至94年12月31日止總計舉辦4次專家諮詢會議,目的在於規劃與整合舌脈診研習會規劃課程內容,編撰統一教材,並檢討辦理成果、評估實施方式與修正上課內容,進而規劃未來實施方向,正式課程分北中南三區辦理教育訓練共六場次,總計940人次參與,完成課程有624人,課後問卷結果其整體滿意度達90%以上,並建議應增加舉辦中醫診斷相關實務課程,並針對專科專病加以討論,辦理的時間與內容儘量能符合中醫師的需求。 |
英文摘要 | Formosan Association of Clinical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine achieves to modernization of Chinese medicine through encourage- ment of academic research and standardization of diagnostic procedures, both for clinical and educational purposes. This plan aims to integrate modern scientific technologies with diagnostic procedures in order to improve treatment precision and quality, and pull the path of development in TCM closer to the spirit of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). Our program is to conduct a series of seminars designed under the goal of modernization in tongue and pulse diagnosis. We invited experts in these fields to our seminars, in hope those issues relating to modernization of TCM can be further discussed and understood through interaction of participants. The formal courses on tongue and pulse diagnosis will be conducted separately (one day each) and be held in 3 different areas in Taiwan. Until December 31st 2005, four expert meetings have been held that aims to plan and integrate the contents of this training course, exam the result of this program and evaluate the response of participants for furture planning and development. There are total of 940 participants in six courses and 624 participants completing total course. Up to 94% are satisfied with this plan from questionnaire. The results suggest that we should plan more TCM diagnosis related conferences and to fit the needs of TCM doctors. |