- Political Relations between the Soviet Union and the Countries of the Communist Bloc under Stalin's Yoke 1945-1953
- Democratic Transition: A Comparative Study of China and the Former Soviet Union
- 帝俄與蘇聯的巴爾幹政策
- 蘇聯出版品送繳制度簡介
- 前蘇聯航艦瓦瑞雅格號的利用價值
- 中共傳播改革之研究
- The Surnames, Personal Names and Nicknames of the Dungans, the Chinese Muslims in the Soviet Union
- 從東歐、蘇聯變局談我國外貿拓銷策略﹣﹣兼談越南經貿現況
- 我與東協國家之政治關係
- 蘇聯的經濟改革