題 名 | 冷戰與中華民國外交:「控蘇案」研究,1946-1952=Cold War and Diplomacy: The Republic of China's Accusation Against the Soviet Union in the U.N., 1946-1952 |
作 者 | 蕭道中; | 書刊名 | 輔仁歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 17 民95.11 |
頁 次 | 頁471-515 |
分類號 | 641.8 |
關鍵詞 | 冷戰; 控蘇案; 聯合國; 中美關係; 中蘇關係; 蔣廷黻; 顧維鈞; 葉公超; Cold war; Accusation against the Soviet Union; United Nations; Sino-U.S. relations; Sino-Soviet relations; Ting-fu Tsiang; Wellington Koo; George Yeh; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主旨在分析一九四九年九月,中華民國以蘇聯違反《中蘇友好同盟條約》、侵犯中國主權與危害遠東和平為由,在第四屆聯合國大會提案控訴蘇聯的事件。對中華民國政府而言,這個提案可能轉移內戰失敗的責任,將國內的戰爭與二次大戰後的國際冷戰局勢相結合,用以爭取國外政治支持與援助。但對美、英等西方國家而官,中國的提案無助解決現狀,徒令聯合國面臨更困難的局勢。尤其當中國國內局勢快速變化之際,中國提案有可能將各國捲入中國內戰,因而不願支持。為了爭取議案的通過機會,中華民國對於提案內容多次妥協,全案延宕至韓戰爆發後出現轉機,終於一九五二年聯大第六屆會議通過。雖然本案在實質上似無收穫,但對當時風雨飄搖的國民黨政府來說,控蘇案提供了極好的宣傳題材,對民心士氣的鼓舞,具有相當意義。中華民國且以本案通過為由,宣布廢止《中蘇友好同盟條約》,為往後外蒙古在法理上留下外交與內政的複雜問題。本文運用官方檔案、回憶錄與報紙等材料重新建構此一歷史事件的背景、過程與影響,期能增進對於戰後國際政治與外交人物的理解。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to explore the event, taking place in September 1949, that the government of the Republic of China (ROC) had formally accused the Soviet Union in the 4th regular session in the United Nations of violating the Sino-Soviet Treaty in 1945 and of threatening the political independence and territorial integrity of China. For the ROC government, this case may have served the purpose of averting its responsibility of losing the civil war, which was deftly paralleled with the Cold War in order to seek more support from the international community. But the U.S. and other Western allies had shown reluctance to support the ROC government's appeal, which they considered not only unhelpful for the situation at the time, but also probable for dragging them into China's civil war. As a result, the appeal stayed pending on the U.N.'s agenda for three years. But when Korea War broke out, the ROC's ease had a favorable turn and was adopted in the U.N.'s 6th regular session in 1952. Although the ROC's appeal had no substantial meaning, it had a great beneficial effect of spreading propaganda in Taiwan. |