- 滲透壓誘導水稻癒合組織植株再生過程中過氧化酵素之變化
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題 名 | 滲透壓誘導水稻癒合組織植株再生過程中過氧化酵素之變化=Changes in Isoperoxidases in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Challus During Shoot Regeneration Induced by Osmotic Stress |
作 者 | 黃文理; 劉麗飛; | 書刊名 | 作物、環境與生物資訊 |
卷 期 | 3:1 民95.03 |
頁 次 | 頁1-8 |
分類號 | 434.113 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 植株再生; 過氧化酵素; 同功酵素; 等電點電泳; Oryza sativa; Shoot regeneration; Peroxidase; Isozymes; Isoelectric focusing electrophoresis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 摘要 本研究主要探討水稻癒合組織植株再生 過程中過氧化酵素活性與同功酵素之變化。 結果顯示具高分化能力TN5-M6癒合組織在 植株再生過程中,不論是可溶性(soluble)與 細胞壁結合(wall-bound)過氧化酵素活性均 明顯高於不具分化能力的TN5-M0, 其中 wall-bound過氧化酵素活性呈現雙高峰曲 線,且其活性變化與癒合組織綠點及小苗形 成有密切相關。此外,作者建立以等電點電 泳分析過氧化酵素同功酵素圖譜技術,發現 在移到分化培養基後第一天,具高分化能力 TN5-M6癒合組織中pI 4.5與pI 5.1同功酵素 即明顯表現,而在第3天綠點形成後,pI 4.7 與pI 6.2同功酵素表現愈來愈明顯,顯示癒合 組織不同發育階段有不同過氧化酵素表現, 極適合作為水稻癒合組織植株再生之標誌酵 素。 |
英文摘要 | ABSTRACT Changes of peroxidase activity and isozyme pattern in rice callus during shoot regeneration induced by osmotic stress were investigated. The results showed that shoot regeneration in rice callus was accompanied by an increase in specific activity either soluble or wall-bound peroxidase. Besides, the peroxidase isozyme patterns were separated using isoelectric focusing (IEF) electrophoresis. It showed that the pI 4.5 and pI 5.1 were predominant isozymes in TN5-M6, the highly regenerative callus, at the first day on regeneration medium. The pI 4.7 and pI 6.2 isozymes were also significant before plantlet formation. Results indicate that different peroxidase isozymes are expressed at callus and shoot regeneration stage and can be easily monitored by IEF analysis. These isozymes are useful markers for shoot regeneration in rice callus. |