- The Changes of Serum Amino Acids after Major Burn and Smoke Inhalation Injuries in Rats
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題 名 | The Changes of Serum Amino Acids after Major Burn and Smoke Inhalation Injuries in Rats=大鼠燒傷合併吸入性灼傷之血清胺基酸變化 |
作 者 | 唐友文; |
書刊名 | 臺灣外科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 39:2 民95.03-04 |
頁 次 | 頁72-78 |
分類號 | 416.218 |
關鍵詞 | 燒傷; 合併吸入性灼傷; 血清胺基酸; Glutamine; Glutamate; Methionine and arginine; Burn; Inhalation injury; Amino acids; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 燒傷如合併吸入性灼傷可造成極嚴重的傷害,其死亡率遠大於單獨之燒傷或吸入性灼傷之患者,此種合併性傷害(燒傷加吸入性灼傷)需更積極的營養治療,才能使患者存活率增加。本實驗在測試此種合併性傷害時之胺基酸在體內流動情形。成年公白鼠在麻醉下接受大面積(40%)三度燙傷及吸入性灼傷,連續抽血五天製成血清,以液相層析儀(HPLC)測試血清中之四種胺基酸-麩胺(glutamin),麩氨酸質(glutamate),蛋白氨酸(arginine)及蛋氨酸(methionine)含量,以觀測血中氨基酸之變動。我們實驗結果發現,單純的吸入性灼傷在頭五天內,胺基酸並無顯著的變化,除了蛋白氨酸會在第三天會有明顯上升(↑27~30%,p>0.05);在合併性傷害組(大面積燒傷合併吸入性灼傷)中,所有四種胺基酸均會立即顯著的下降。在大面積燒傷合併吸入性灼傷之患者,其血清中「非必需胺基酸」會明顯下降,使這種雖為「非必需胺基酸」,卻可能成為必須立刻補充有條件之「必需」胺基酸;但單純的吸入性灼傷,其血清中「非必需胺基酸」較無明顯變化。 |
英文摘要 | Objective: The mortality rate of patients with cutaneous combined burns with smoke inhalation injury is reported to be much higher than that of patients with either injury alone. Patients with such combined injury need a more intensive and aggressive nutrition supply to help them survive. The present study was designed to test amino acid flux in cases of combined injury (smoke inhalation injury and cutaneous burns). The purpose was to understand the amino acids flux after such combined injury. Methods: Adult male rats were divided 3 groups, non-injury control, smoke inhalation injury and smoke inhalation injury plus cutaneous burns groups. Rats received smoke inhlalation injury with/without major cutaneous thermal injury (40%BSA). Blood was taken from the tail and storaged along with plasma daily for 5 days. Four different amino acids, glutamate, glutamine, arginine and methionine were tested by HPLC and statistically analyzed. Results: Our preliminary results showed that smoke inhalation injury alone did not cause a significant change in amino acids flux during the first 5 days after injury, and the only increase in arginine was observed on the 3rd day after injury (↑ 27~30%, p>0.05, non-significant). In the cutaneous burn plus smoke inhalation injury group, all four amino acids decreased immediately and significantly. Conclusions: These results suggest that the four non-essential amino acids (glutamine, glutamate, methionine and arginine) are all conditionally essential amino acids in this combined injury (cutaneous burn plus inhalation injuries). However, in the simple smoke inhalation injury group, the amino acids supply was not as important, at least, in the first 5 days after injury. |