題 名 | 南投名間鄉日治時期之人口成長與分布=Population Growth and Distribution of Min-JEN Area during the Period of Japanese Colony |
作 者 | 周國屏; | 書刊名 | 國立彰化師範大學文學院學報 |
卷 期 | 3 民93.11 |
頁 次 | 頁133-149 |
分類號 | 673.211504 |
關鍵詞 | 日治時期; 人口成長; 人口分布; Japanese colonial times; Population growth; Population distribution; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在了解與分析南投縣名間鄉日治時期人口成長與分布之空間型態與差異,利用臺灣總督府官房統計課出版之連續性人口資料為依據,並以當時之行政區劃為統計分析單位。研究結果發現:日治前期(1920年以前)本區人口分布係以武東堡(即八卦臺地區)轄下之各庄人口較多,合計約占全鄉一半的人口;中、後期時該堡人口成長已趨緩,但仍佔四成以上;而沙連下堡所轄各庄及南投堡轄下之蕃子寮庄、田仔庄、新街等則快速成長,導致湳仔庄及蕃仔寮庄人口數已各占全鄉百分之一○以上。這種人口分布的空間型態,一直延續迄今,並無太大變化。 |
英文摘要 | This article aims to characterize the spatial patterns and differences of population growth at Min-Jen, Nantow County during Japanese colony. Utilizing the population data from “The Report of Taiwan Colonical Government Statistic Division”, and the division of the administrative district at that time as a unit, we have the following findings: 1. Before 1920, the population in Ba-Gua tableland was higher than other parts of this area and was about half of the total population of Min Jen area. 2. The population growth of Ba-Gua tableland slowed down in the middle and late period of Japanese colony, but the population size was still about 40 percent of the entire Min-Jen area. 3. The spatial pattern of population distribution has not changed entirely throughout the 20th century. |