題 名 | 李之儀詞學觀在宋代詞論中的位置=The Position of Li Zhi-yi's Tsu in Sung Dynasty |
作 者 | 黃雅莉; | 書刊名 | 東華人文學報 |
卷 期 | 9 民95.07 |
頁 次 | 頁135-175 |
分類號 | 821.935 |
關鍵詞 | 李之儀; 自有一種風格; 花間詞風; 學詞門徑; 鋪敘展衍; 韻; 才情並重; Li zhi-yi; Style; Complying with Hua-Chien; Route to learning Tsu; Development of Tsu history; Brilliant expression of emotions; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 北宋中葉,以蘇軾和蘇門學士為代表的一批文人對詞學的熱烈討論始終圍繞著一個核心的問題,即詞學發展應循著怎樣的道路前進,是否應該趨向詩化?無論是贊成者也好,反對者也好,實際上都在思考著同一個命題,那就是:詞究竟是一種怎樣的文體?它的本質、表現手法、功能究竟為何?在這個論述的發展進程中,李之儀雖身為蘇門中人,對於詞學卻有著獨立的思考,他提出了一系列有關詞的理論問題。 本文試圖從歷史發展的定位來確立李之儀詞學觀在宋代詞論中的位 置,從而肯定李之儀詞論中幾項影響深遠的論述:其一、提出詞「自有一種風格」的體性觀,首度標舉詞以《花間》為宗。其二、強調詞「鋪敘展衍」與「韻味」並重的審美理想。其三、體制上主張小令與長調不可偏廢。其四、對創作者主體而言,他要求詞家才情並重。其五、首論詞之作法:強調「字字有來歷」、「妙意見於卒章」的創作境 界。其六,以詞史的發展來論詞,首度對詞的歷史做作有系統的梳理,並據此而提出學詞的門徑。就上述所見的重要論述而言,與其說李之儀是承傳了蘇軾的衣缽,不如說他是自覺地糾正了蘇軾「詩化」理論的偏頗,同時在堅守詞之「本色」的基礎上為北宋後期文人雅化的詞學觀奠定了基礎。 |
英文摘要 | In the mid of Northern Sung dynasty, the discussions of Tsu among a group of man of letters represented by Su Shih and his students aimed at a vital issue, i.e., what route should Tsu advance? Whether it must approach Poet? No matter proponent or opponent, they all contemplated one common proposition, i.e., what kind of literary style is Tsu? Including it’s intrinsic nature, presentation and performance. During the advancement of discussions, Li zhi-yi proposed outstanding rumination. This study intends to position Li zhi-yi’s Tsu in Sung Dynasty from the perspective of historical development, and to affirm several of his profound discourses: 1. Advocate the uniqueness of Tsu from the viewpoint of creation. 2. Emphasize both pomp arrangement and sophisticated taste. 3. Propose coexistence of Shiao-Lian and Cheng-Tiao. 4. Require writer to be brilliant in the expression of emotions. 5. Explore ways of making Tsu and stress originality of using words. 6. Discuss Tsu based on Tsu’s history, and propose right routes of learning Tsu. Based on the description stated above, it is concluded that Li zhi-yi not only inherited Su Shih’s teaching skill, but also modified Su Shih’s poetized theory, and laid the foundation of Tsu in late era of Northern Sung Dynasty. |