- 移動式網格之分散式資料分群技術
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題 名 | 移動式網格之分散式資料分群技術=A Distributed Data Clustering Method with Movable Grid |
作 者 | 趙景明; 陳俊華; | 書刊名 | 資訊管理研究. 南華大學 |
卷 期 | 6 民95.07 |
頁 次 | 頁63-80 |
分類號 | 312.1 |
關鍵詞 | 資料探勘; 資料分群; 分散式環境; Data mining; Distributed data clustering; Distributed environment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在目前的網路使用環境快速發展下,資料量的增加非常迅速,導致傳統資料分群技術執行的效能大幅降低。因此分散式的資料分群技術逐漸興起,不過由於頻寬的限制、分群結果合併誤差等因素的影響,使得執行效能以及分群品質成為分散式資料分群演算法設計上的重要議題。本研究即是以移動式網格的概念為基礎,提出一個分散式資料分群的技術,利用網格切割來源資料集後,再以移動式網格決定最終資料群集的方式,企圖在分群品質與執行效能上取得一個較佳的平衡。 |
英文摘要 | Because of the high demanding and using in present internet applications, the huge amount of data processed has been increasing rapidly and resulting in extreme low efficiency in the traditional data clustering processing. Therefore, the technique of distributed data clustering emerging becomes more and more acceptable. Due to a few concerns such as bandwidth constrains, privacy and security, clustering processing performance and clustering result quality become a very important issue regarding the design of distributed data clustering algorithm. Thus, we propose a novel distributed data clustering algorithm based on the concept of movable grid. The theory behind is to use grids to separate the data source first, and then move them to determine the final clusters. Our experimental evolution shows that movable grid method is a good solution for data clustering in a distributed environment that achieves balance between processing performance and clustering result quality. |