題 名 | 家庭照顧者對長期照護服務使用意願之探討=Factors Affecting Caregivers Willingness to Use Long-Term Care Services |
作 者 | 陳正芬; 吳淑瓊; | 書刊名 | 人口學刊 |
卷 期 | 32 民95.06 |
頁 次 | 頁83-121 |
分類號 | 419.76 |
關鍵詞 | 長期照護; 家庭照顧者; 照顧負荷; 使用意願; Long-term care; Caregiver; Caregiver burden; Willingness to use; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | Andersen健康行為模式,探討功能障礙者之照顧者對機構式、照顧住宅、社區式及居家式四類長期照護服務方案的使用意願及其影響因子,資料來源為行政院建構長期照護體 系先導計畫實驗社區之前測資料。根據台北縣三峽鶯歌地區及嘉義市 1,789位樣本調查,進行對數複迴歸分析,控制其他重要變項後,前傾因素:照顧者對照顧責任的看法,以及需求因素:照顧者主觀感受的照顧負荷,兩項為影響照顧者使用各項服務的關鍵因素。檢視過去服務使用態度的研究結果,功能障礙者的需求因素向來被視為是重要預測因素;然而本研究結果顯示功能障礙者的需求並不必然影響照顧者對服務使用意願,關鍵是照顧者對照顧責任的看法及對照顧負荷的察覺程度。當照顧者表達較高的照顧負荷,特別是身體、情緒及個人時間負荷,且認為照顧不僅是家庭責任時,對服務使用意願有顯著影響。家庭照顧雖為我國目前長期照護的主要模式,但當照顧者面對照顧壓力時,十分期待來自家庭以外服務支持;而該項期許勢必隨著長期照護需求的遽增而擴大,政府勢必需要儘速發展各項長期照護服務資源,以滿足功能障礙者及其照顧者之照顧需求。 |
英文摘要 | This study is based upon the conceptual framework of Andersen model to examine the factors affecting selection strategies of long-term care service for the elderly, which include nursing home, assisted living, community service and home care. Data was collected from a survey of 1,789 caregivers live in San-Yin area and Chia-I city in Taiwan. Results of multiple logistic regressions with control of other variables indicated that responsibility expectation and care loading are key factors for service selection. Previously stated, physical need of disabled population was the most important predictor of service using for the disable. Current results additionally indicated that care loading and expectation of responsibility of caregivers were strongly correlated with service selection, especially when physical loading, emotional and time pressure occurred, and family responsibility not necessarily insisted. In general, family care is still a main(was) stream of long-term care model. However, caregivers will expect assistance from formal service systems while they are suffering a considerable pressure. This expectation will elevate rapidly with the increasing need of long-term care. |