題 名 | 月橘之織物染色與媒染劑效應的探討=Investigation for Murraya Paniculata Jack as Dye for Silk and Cotton Textures and Effects of Dye Medium |
作 者 | 蘇雅汾; | 書刊名 | 紡織綜合研究期刊 |
卷 期 | 16:2 民95.04 |
頁 次 | 頁28-33 |
分類號 | 465.3 |
關鍵詞 | 月橘; 棉布和絲織物; 媒染劑; CIEL*a*b*c*值; K/S值; 耐水洗堅牢度; Natural dye; Murraya paniculata Jack; Copper acetate and iron acetate as dye medium; Silk and cotton textures; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討月橘的絲與棉布等織物的染色性能,以及醋酸銅和醋酸鐵的媒染效果。以煮沸法製備月橘葉的染液,織物的染色過程是先以煮染法染色月橘色素、沖洗晾乾後,再以醋酸銅醋酸鐵媒染。以國際色調系統 CIEL*a*b*C*評估染色織物的色相、明度與彩度,Lubellka-Mank K/S值評估織物表面染著力,以及AATCC-61之2A測試法評估水洗牢堅度。織物經月橘染色後的色相呈黃綠色, 即 CIE 色相位於a*值 = -3.443~-3.850 . b* = 12.760~ 15.010。棉布的綠色大於絲織物,黃色程度小於絲織物。絲織物明度L值大大的降低,由接近白色成為灰色。月橘增加絲和棉布等織物的彩度明顯增加。絲和棉布等織物表面的染著力 (K/S) 介於0.958~1.350。水洗堅牢度卻只有1~2級。醋酸同媒染織物後,明顯增加黃綠色的色相和彩度。同時亦增加(K/S)值,絲織物的月橘染著力優於棉織物。水洗監牢度增加為2~3級。但以酷酸鐵媒染織物後的色相,卻自黃綠色轉變為淺紅黃色。明度值低於醋酸銅媒染的織物,彩度大於醋酸銅媒染織物。染著力 (K/S值) 大於醋酸銅媒染織物。水洗堅牢度為2~3級。不過,雖然月橘的染色和醋酸銅的媒染使織物呈現美麗的黃綠色。可惜其水洗堅牢度和染著力不甚理想,有進一步改善的必要。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this research were to study the effects of Murraya paniculata Jack as dye for silk and cotton textures and the effect of dye medium such as copper acetate and iron acetate. The effect of the silk and cotton textures soaked in milk was also interested. The dye effects were assessed with the International Color Tune Standard CIE L*a*b*C*, the K/S value of the Lubellka-Mank method and AATCC-61-2A method. Murraya made the textures a unique color tune of green with yellow, i.e. (-a, +b) color phase of CIE a*b*. The K/S values and the water-wash resistance obtained were unfortunately not high enough. After treated with the dye medium of copper acetate, the textures exhibited a beautiful green-yellow color tune, which is thicker than that before copper acetate treated. Both the values of K/S and the water-wash resistance increased, indicating copper acetate able improving the light resistance and water-wash resistance. However, after treated with iron acetate, the color tune of textures became yellow with light red, except for the silk texture without milk soaked still keeping in the original color tune of yellow-green but got lighter. The values of K/S and water-wash resistance were obviously increased. The effects of textures soaked in milk on the color tune, K/S value and water-wash resistance are not obvious, except for those treated with iron acetate. |