題 名 | 從《美國憲法的一個經濟解釋》與《最高法院與憲法》論比爾德的經濟解釋觀點=From 《An Economic Interpretation of Constitution of the Unite State》 and 《The Supreme Court and Constitution》 View Beards Economic-political Economic Interpretation Approch |
作 者 | 鍾益禾; | 書刊名 | 萬竅 |
卷 期 | 2 民94.11 |
頁 次 | 頁55-74 |
分類號 | 581.52 |
關鍵詞 | 清教徒史學; 貴族史學; 進步史學; 社會主義; 魯斯金; 經濟解釋; 馬克思主義; Puritan history; Patrician history; Progressive history; Socialism; John Ruskin; Economic interpretation; Marxism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 二十世紀以前,美國史學的發展大學可分為兩個時期:清教徒史學(Puritan History)與貴族史學(Patrician History)。前一派的史家多半將歷史視做是上帝意旨的呈現。因此清教徒史家很自然而然的將美國的建國,當作是上帝的允諾之地。而後一派的史家則為了讚揚美國脫離英國的獨立,民族主義(nationalism)與愛國主義(patriotism),也是此派史家所敘述的重點。當然自由主義(liberalism)更是他們大力宣傳的。但是到了二十世紀初時,上述的歷史解釋都已經無法符合當時環境的需要。 世紀之交時一批受過專業史學訓練的史家逐漸在史學界嶄露頭角,開始帶動史學的專業化。緊隨著歷史的專業化與科學化,美國史學界開始出現另一批史家,反對當時蔚為主流的「科學的歷史」的理論與說法。他們認為歷史是過去的事實,而一位史家在研究過去之時,絕對不可以完全客觀的。他們又認為史學家必需把研究的視界放寬,注意歷史中除了政治以外的事物,並且強調史學研究的實用性與工具性。由於他們的強調歷史的實用性質,所以這批史學被稱為進步史學(Progressive history)或新史學。在這批進步史家中,比爾德(Charles Austain Beard)無疑是佔有相當重要性地位的一位史家。 比爾德是美國歷史界第一位使用經濟解釋觀點與嚴謹的史學方法進法美國憲法研究的史家。比爾德的研究不僅推翻了美國人長久以來對於憲法的認知。並且也將肇建美國先賢們,從以往帶有神一般的光環,還原成一樣帶有私慾的普通人。比爾德此舉無疑地將美國憲法研究帶領入一個全新境界。 |
英文摘要 | Before the twentieth century, there were two leading approaches of the development of American historiography. The earlier one was called Puritan History, and the later one was called Patricain History. The approaches had dominated the development of American historiography for a long time. However, when the century turned, the historical explanation and concepts of Puritan History and Patrician History couldn’t satisfy the new generation historians. Most of them had been to foreign countries and learned the newest theories of history and social science from Europe. After the young generation historians went back to American, they began to criticize outmoded historical concepts and interpretations of Puritan History and Patrician History. To improve American historiography and research methods, they started a movement, which called “The Now History”. There were four key points of the movement: 1.contemporary and modern ages were more important than ancient and medieval ages, 2.history direction was decided by basic structure of society, 3.hisotry interpretations were focused, 4.hisotry should be written from the standpoint of interest in the present. On of them was Charles Austain Beard. He had outstanding achievements in his life. In his book, an Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, he used economic interpretation to analyze the American Constitution carefully and seriously. In this book, one of the conclusions was the American Constitution was not made by the great majority of Americans, but only by a few people. In addition, the function of the Constitution was to protect private property. |