- 教育成就的價值與青少年的心理健康
- 國中生學習領域表現因素之研究
- 臺灣八年級生家庭學習資源、學習動機、自我教育期望與學習自信對數學學習成就影響之研究--以TIMSS 2019為例
- 經濟弱勢與優勢學生的學習成就差異與家庭學習資源、自我教育期望對學習成就影響的探究
- 國中生家庭社經地位與英文學習成就之研究:以併列教育期望為中介變項
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- 臺灣八年級男女學生科學成就因素之研究--多層次模式分析
- 家庭社經地位與閱讀學習成就關聯:多重中介變項探究
- 低社經地位家長教育期望與國中生英語成就關聯之探討:中介變項分析
題 名 | 教育成就的價值與青少年的心理健康=The Value of Educational Achievement and Adolescents' Mental Health |
作 者 | 楊孟麗; | 書刊名 | 中華心理衛生學刊 |
卷 期 | 18:2 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁75-99 |
分類號 | 523.774 |
關鍵詞 | 青少年心理健康; 教育期望; 學習成就; 學業自信; 教育成就的壓力; Adolescent mental health; Educational expectation; Academic achievement; Academic self-esteem; Educational achievement pressure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey)高中職五專(二年級)學生及其父(母)第一波的資料,探討青少年學生的心理健康與教育成就的壓力之間的關係。結果發現,學習成就與心理健康問題的症狀之間呈現曲線相關(curvilinear relationship),但主要是線性部分在主導,學習成就愈高,心理健康愈不佳,至學習成就頗高時,兩者負相關的趨勢才漸平緩而幾乎停滯,僅於尾端稍稍上揚。而學生自己的高教育期望,對心理健康會有直接與間接的負面影響,且影響最大;家長本身的期望亦有些許直接影響,但影響力較弱。而青少年的學業自信,經排除成就本身所付出的代價,及期待所帶來的壓力後,顯現出對心理健康的正面影響。 |
英文摘要 | This article investigated the relationship between adolescents' educational achievement pressure and their mental health, the stress and joy caused by the heightened value of educational achievement. I used the first wave senior high school student and parent data sets of Taiwan Education Panel Survey, which were collected in autumn of 2001 when the students were in the 11th grade. Analyses revealed a slightly curvilinear relationship (dominated most of the time by the linear term) between the mental health and the academic achievement, with higher achievement continuing to be associated with worse mental health until the achievement was high, where the downward trend stopped and curved up only very slightly. In addition, the data showed evidence of high expectation's negative effects on mental health, with effects of high expectation partially mediated by academic achievement. Specially, students' own high educational expectation had both direct and indirect negative effects on mental health, while the negative effect of parental high expectation was reduced but remained significant when academic achievement was controlled. Compared with parental expectation, students' own expectation had stronger effects. Finally, after controlling for academic achievement and self and parental expectations, high academic self-esteem was found positively related to mental health. |