題 名 | 極早熟品種臺中191號的育成=The Development of Very Early Mature Japonica Rice Variety "Taichung 191" |
作 者 | 楊嘉凌; 許志聖; 張素貞; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 86 民94.03 |
頁 次 | 頁47-62 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 臺中191號; 極早熟品種; 水稻育種; Taichung 191; Very early mature variety; Rice breeding; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺中191號係由農業試驗所 (農試所) 以株型優良、豐產的臺農育81815號與早熟、米質優良的越光雜交後,於F4世代送交臺中區農業改良場進行新品系觀察試驗。本場歷經觀察、初級、高級產量比較試驗汰選後,將其晉升入民國87年區域試驗及各項特性檢定,結果顯示臺中191號的全生育日數第一期作110天,第二期作為88天,較一般早熟品種臺中190號、高雄142號及臺稉1號一期作早約5~12天,二期作早熟10~20天,為極早熟品種。臺中191號於初、高級產量比較試驗的心、腹、背白總和均為0,區域試驗二年、三地點共7個樣品的米質分析中,僅有一樣品的背白為1級,一樣品的腹白為1級外,餘心、腹、背白均為0,在第二期作的食味檢定,臺中191號食味與臺稉9號相當,顯示臺中191號為一米質優良的品種。臺中191號具有耐寒、不易脫粒與不易穗上發芽的特性,但其易倒伏與不抗病蟲害的特性於栽培上應多加注意。由於本品種具極早熟特性,栽培上應著重基肥與生育初期追肥的施用,建議於第一期作插秧後20天,第二期作插秧後15天內,追肥即應施用完畢,以增加有效分蘗數,發揮高產潛能並應力行曬田,以強化根系發育,避免倒伏。本品種於92年6月18日通過命名,商品名稱為「錦早」。 |
英文摘要 | Taichung 191, a vary early mature Japonica rice variety was developed by crossing Tainung yu 81815 with Koshihikari. The agronomic characteristics of Taichung 191 were : 110 and 88 days of growth duration for the 1st and 2nd cropping season, respectively;the plant height were 95cm and 86cm for the 1st and 2nd cropping season;the spike number were 19 and 15 for the 1st and 2nd cropping season, respectively. The average grain yield of Taichung 191 was 3775 kg/ha in the 1st cropping season and 3312 kg/ha in the 2nd, less than Taikeng 1 due to less panicle weight, spikelets/ per panicle, spikelet fertility and 1000-kernels weight. Taichung 191 was resistant to panicle threshability, cold tolerance and grain sprouting in the panicle, but less resistant to blast, bacterial leaf blight, sheath blight, stripe and plant hopper. For the rate of white belly, white center and white back, Taichung 191 was less than Taikeng 1, and the eating quality of 2nd cropping season was similar to that of Taikeng 9. Taichung 191 has been suggested to be suitable to grow in the single and double crop fields in Taiwan. Since Taichung 191 was a very early mature variety, the fertilizer was recommended to be applied as early as possible. In order to facilitate the high yield, the proper draining was required for inhibiting the ineffective tillers and the elongation of rice plant. Taichung 191 has been released as a recommended variety in June, 2003. |