題 名 | 臨終諮商倫理初探--照護癌末病人個我經驗之反思與建構=The Ethics of Counseling the Dying--The Reflections and Constructions from the Personal Experiences of Caring Terminally Ill Cancer Patients |
作 者 | 李佩怡; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 33:4=383 民95.04 |
頁 次 | 頁33-56 |
專 輯 | 臨終倫理專題 |
分類號 | 178.4 |
關鍵詞 | 癌症末期病人; 臨終諮商倫理; 人性良知情感; 詮釋學方法; Terminally ill cancer patients; The ethics of counseling the dying; Humanity; The hermeneutical approach; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 固有的諮商倫理守則是否適用於癌症末期病人?癌症末期病人在臨終處境下,所需諮商心理師的協助範圍是跨越心理層面,延伸至生理層面、社會層面,及靈性層面。本文以詮釋學為方法論,以一位心理諮商背景的助人者(即研究者)陪伴二位癌末病人由初見的談話直到病人死亡的助人關係歷程中,針對「對話逐字稿」與「田野日誌」等原始資料進行詮釋。在照護癌末病人的過程,助人者內在屢被衝擊到的是「專業諮商倫理限制」與「末期病人真實需求」兩者間衝突,產生認知與情緒經驗的解構。研究者針對助人者的照護經驗,以「理解—再理解」的詮釋循環過程,提出一般諮商倫理對照護末期病人的不足,應以病人身心靈社會之整體福祉為考量,而諮商師的作法必然要「超越」固有的諮商協助方式,最終指出臨終諮商倫理的基本內涵是助人者的「人性良知情感」。 |
英文摘要 | Can the general counseling ethics be applied to the care of terminally ill cancer patients? Facing the impending death, the terminally ill cancer patients need to be helped by counselors not only in psychological aspect, but also in physical, social, and spiritual aspects. The study was using hermeneutical approach to understand the counselor’s personal experiences of encountering with four terminally ill cancer patients. The counselor experienced some critical dilemmas that she struggled with “being a counselor according to the ethics” or “being a real helper according to the needs of the dying patients”. Following by the hermeneutical circle of understanding, the researcher found out that the general counseling ethics could not support the total care of dying patients. In order to care the wholeness of the dying patients, we should consider the differences and specialties of the terminally ill cancer patients. As well as we should allow more flexible ways of counseling which means the conducts of caring the dying patients should be high above the general counseling ethics. The core essence of ethics of counseling the dying patients is the humanity. |