題 名 | 軟磁用高純度氧化鐵粉的開發與量產=Development and Production of High Quality Iron Oxide for Soft Ferrite |
作 者 | 柳景坤; 劉明政; | 書刊名 | 技術與訓練 |
卷 期 | 30:2=231 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁1-6 |
專 輯 | 冷軋專集 |
分類號 | 454.89 |
關鍵詞 | 氧化鐵粉; 除矽; 純化製程; Iron oxide; Silica removal method; Acid purification system; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中鋼早期的氧化鐵粉屬DC級僅經機械式濾網除矽處理後產品,主要使用於偏向軛、天線棒及揚聲器組件等低階軟硬磁材料。近年來由於3C電子產業的快速成長,高階錳鋅磁材的需求大增,高純度磁粉所需的SB級鐵粉原材供不應求,為滿足此一市場需求,中鋼進行多項生產設備與技術的變善與研發,在硬體上自行設計安裝大型高效率溶鋼槽外,並在軟體上成功開發廢酸預混、過濾、純化系統,有效提升磁粉品質,達成量產目標,深受客戶肯定,成效顯著。 |
英文摘要 | In the first operating stage of Acid Regeneration Plants (ARP) at China Steel Corporation (CSC), most of Iron Oxide Powder produced by ARP were ranked as DC grade by employing only the technology of Insoluble Silica Removal Method. The application of DC grade Oxide Powder is limited to certain usage on manufacturing electronic components, such as Diffraction Yoke, Antenna, Speaks and so on. Recently, due to the ever increasing market demand of 3C electronic products, the supply of high grade powder to customers become a significant necessity accordingly. In order to meet this strong market demand, CSC has successfully completed several crucial improvement including establishment of High-Efficient Acid Purification System, erection of Big Iron Scrap Leaching Tank and setup for Optimal Process control Mode. Through improvements mentioned above, the quality and productivity of iron oxide have been promoted to a satisfactory level recognized by company and her customers. |