題 名 | 機械產品導向學習電腦輔助設計與製圖課程網站建置之研究=The Study of Building a Website for Mechanical Product-Oriented Learning in Computer Aided Engineering Design and Drawing |
作 者 | 康鳳梅; 李金泉; 賈子慶; 鄭光臣; 彭世寶; 謝松佑; 黃淙誠; 黃郁婷; 葉品逸; |
書刊名 | 技術及職業教育學報 |
卷 期 | 10 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁121-135 |
分類號 | 521.57 |
關鍵詞 | 機械產品導向; 電腦輔助設計與製圖; 空間能力; Mechanical production orientation; Computer aided design and drawing; Special ability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 一個產品的形成都是對這產品先產生概念,有了概念後再將它用圖來表示其形狀。如機械產品都是先繪製成工作圖,電腦輔助設計與製圖便是設計者從初始概念到最後工作圖產生設計的首要媒介,也是設計概念的基本工具。本研究既以電腦輔助設計與製圖的課程內涵,利用實際機械產品規劃線上輔助學習內涵,學生用逆向工程思考模式學習,藉以提昇學生空間能力,並結合線上學習系統之開發,建置網站提供學生學習,因此本研究主要目的為: 一、發展以機械產品導向電腦輔助設計崇製圖課程之線上學習內涵。 二、發展、預測及修正空間能力量表。 三、建置產品導向工程圖學與電腦輔助設計園之網路學習模組、多媒體資料模組、學員資料擷取模組、課程輸入與管理介面模組等之線上學習系統。 本研究為達成研究目的,採用文獻探討、市場及網路搜尋、專家座談等方法得以下結論。 一、以「汽車輪轂軸承」產品為學習導向,藉由本研究建置「機械產品導向網路學習網站(Mechanical Product Oriented Web-base Learning,簡稱MPOWL),使學生以實際產品,用逆向工程思考模式學習機械產品所需電腦輔助設計與製圖課程之內涵,進而提昇空間能力。 (一)產品選用在設計上考量 本產品「汽車輪轂軸承」由輪轂本體、輪轂滾珠軸承、軸承防塵套、油封等零件所組成。 在設計上考慮其安全性。本網站在資源分享部分除呈現其詳細之資料供學習者參考外,亦將可培養學習者選用零件之能力。 本產品除含設計層面外,其涵蓋之生產技術亦包羅萬象,如輪轂本體須藉由鍛造製成胚料並以機械加工完成;軸承之製作須以車製加以研磨完成,防塵蓋則須以引伸模加工完成,油封係塑膠產品,需藉由射出成型加工完成。 二、發展空間能力量表,並在網站上提供空間能力評測區 發展以空間組織為主體架構之空間能力量表共60題,分別為A、B、C、D四大項。系統採隨機出題測驗,測時間到時,系統會加以警訊,並強迫交卷,評測後並立即回饋。 三、本學習網站http://mpowl.ie.edu.tw之建置可提供技專校院專題設計與製作之生分享與參考外,並可使學生在學習構思中提昇空間能力。 |
英文摘要 | Product creation always starts with ideas, followed by graphic presentations. In the field of mechanical product creations, the ideas are presented with mechanical drawings. Therefore, for the designers, Computer Aided Design and Drawing (CADD) are the most important media between the preliminary ideas and the final design drawings; they are also the basic tools for design idea implementations. This study is focus on planning the contents of web-based learning aids, with the help of CADD class contents, to build the spatial ability for students. In addition, combining with a development of web-based learning system, a website is established and provided to the students for their study. The major goals of this study are in the followings: 1. Developing web-based learning content for mechanical-product-oriented CADD curriculum. 2. Developing spatial ability scale. 3. Establishing web-based learning system including the models of student database, curriculum database and multi-media data model, for mechanical product-oriented CADD curriculum. The methods used in this study are reference studies, market and web-based search, and experts meetings. The conclusions are in the followings: 1. With an example of “wheel hub bearing products”, students learn CADD class contents. It also enhances their spatial abilities with reverse engineering from actual products, through MPOWL (Mechanical Product Oriented Web0base Learning). 2. A spatial ability scale is developed, and a test area is provided on the website. The spatial ability scale, with spatial organization as its basic structure, is divided into A, B, C, and D 4 categories, 60 questions in total. Questions are randomly selected by the system, and the system will show warming messages when the test time is up. Besides, the system will force the students to turn in results. The system will also evaluate, and give feedback information immediately. 3. The establishment of this learning website http://mpowl.ie.ntnu.edu.tw not only will provide the professors and the students a place to share information and find references, but also will enhance the students’ spatial ability. |