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題 名 | 『古事記』における死の美学--沙本毘古.毘売、軽太子.大郎女の心中をめぐって=「古事記」中之死亡美學--以沙本毘古.毘賣與輕太子.大郎女的殉情為例、The Death Aesthetics in Kojiki Hsu Hsiang-sheng |
作 者 | 徐翔生; | 書刊名 | 政大日本研究 |
卷 期 | 2 民94.01 |
頁 次 | 頁181-212 |
分類號 | 861.5485 |
關鍵詞 | 古事記; 殉情; 沙本毘古; 沙本毘賣; 輕太子; 輕大郎女; 死亡美學; 心中; 沙本毘売; 軽太子; 軽大郎女; 死の美学; Kojiki; Die of love; Sahobiki; Sahobime; Karunomiko; Karunoohoiratsume; The death aesthetics; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 日本最古老的文學作品「古事記」中,記載著數個感人的愛情悲劇,這些愛情悲劇殼主角死亡收場,其中對死亡有諸多描述。本文以「古事記」中沙本毘古與沙本毘賣、以及輕太子與輕大郎女的兩段殉情故事為例,藉由當時之時代背景與社會構造,探討古代日本人對於死亡之看法。並以比較思想之觀點,說明日本人對死亡之獨特見解以及「古事記」美化死亡之筆法。期藉此研究,對於日本文化深層中歐蘊涵之死亡美學,有更深層之理解。 |
英文摘要 | In the oldest literary work Kojiki, there are tragedies of several people’s love stories. These tragedies all end in the protagonists’ death and t hey abound in the descriptions of death. This paper attempts to discuss the ancient Japanese philosophy of death by discussing the social background and structure of the two suicidal love stories of Sahobiki and Sahobime, and Karunomiko and the unique Japanese view of death and the way Kojiki beautifies death. Hence, by such research I wish to offer a profound interpretation of death aesthetics embedded in the deep part of Japanese culture. |